Augusta Award ApplicationThis Award is given to homesteaders whose site shows creativity and originality. We are looking for golf oriented sites that are unique and have something different to offer the surfer. Please fill out this application if your site fits this description. Guidelines and Criteria: The first and most important criteria is that the entire site is strictly within the GeoCities Content Guidelines. Homesteaders' sites will be reviewed and all awards will be given out contingent upon the following (7) criteria:
Voting Process: 1) Sites nominated will be reviewed each week by the CLs of Augusta. Sites that did not have an ample amount of CLs voting on it will be held back. This "ample amount" will depend on the amount of CLs in each hood and the Awards Chair will be responsible for making the final call to submit or not. 2) CLs will score each page based on the criteria outlined in the above section. For each of those components, a score will be given (e.g., 1-10, 10 being best) and a total will be determined and from that a scale will be used to judge whether or not a site deserves the award. Just as an example, all scores above 50 are passing and should receive the award, as a suggested cut-off point. 3) The Awards Chair will submit pages that have been amply reviewed and received a passing score to the Community Manager.