The cost to enter is $10.
- To win:
- The first player to reach one hundred points wins.
- If two or more break 100, the person having the most points wins.
- If the deadline is reached, the person having the most points wins.
- If the deadline is reached and no one has any points, sudden death! -- the next person to die gets/splits the pot.
The formula for scoring points is: 100 - your choice's age in years at their
death. I.e.: 100 - Eldrick "Tiger" Woods age (32) = 68 and you'd be 32
points, or a 68-year-old croaking, away from victory.
Initially, pick twenty-five people from the ballot.
The ballot may contain the names of the already dead. If a player picks such
a person, they may pick a new person as soon as the game administrator is
Drop/Add: You can change any of your choices at any time. The cost is $2
per change, which will be added to the kitty. You may not add someone that
has already been picked. Chasmo's Ken Kesey Clause: If you do a drop/add
and the person dies on the same day as the drop/add, the move will be
considered null and void unless there is proof that the person was still
alive at the time of the drop/add.
Go here to see the others' picks.
In the event that there's a news flash that Cher came down with the Ebola virus
and I receive more than one drop/add trying to pick her up, the earliest time
stamp on the e-mail will take precedence.
Once one of your choices dies, you get a new pick to replace them.
The age-at-death will be determined by these sources (in order of
Winner takes the pot. If there is a tie, the pot will be divided evenly among
those with highest point total.