Random Mix DXXXIV was made Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006, at 12:00:06 a.m. EDT. It has a Zappa Index1 of 0.00
ArtistCD Title©
Song TitleCD
1Cult, TheThe Cult1994Emperor's New Home11 4:20
2Cult, TheElectric1987Memphis Hip Shake11 3:59
3Cult, TheThe Cult1994Coming Down (Drug Tongue)2 6:37
4Cult, TheLove1985Revolution8 5:25
5Cult, TheCeremony1991Wild Hearted Son2 5:41
6Cult, TheCeremony1991If5 5:22
7Cult, TheCeremony1991Bangkok Rain8 5:46
8Cult, TheBeyond Good and Evil2001Rise3 3:38
9Cult, TheBeyond Good and Evil2001American Gothic7 3:56
10Cult, TheCeremony1991Full Tilt6 4:53
11Cult, TheThe Cult1994Star7 5:02
12Cult, TheBeyond Good and Evil2001The Saint2 3:35
13Cult, TheThe Cult1994Real Grrrl3 4:26
14Cult, TheElectric1987Born to Be Wild9 3:55
15Cult, TheSonic Temple1989Soul Asylum6 7:25
16Cult, TheLove1985The Phoenix6 5:04
Total Time with a 2-second interval between songs 79:36

1The Zappa Index is the playing time of Zappa music on the CD expressed as a percent. 1