Wallysurf's Best Golf Jokes
Don't Stand in Front

A man and his wife played every Thursday for most of the 20 years that
they were married. Every time they reached a new tee, his wife would run
up to the woman's tee to get in a few extra practice swings. And every
time she did this, he would explain to her "Honey every time we
play...you do this! One of these times I'm gunna hit you with a ball,
then you will be sorry." She simply replied, "Dear, I have complete
trust in you! Go ahead and hit your ball, I'll be fine." Then just as
he predicted, he tees off and "THUD!" he nails her right in the back of
the skull, and she drops dead. Later that day at the hospital, the
county coroner comes out of the operating room to speak with the man.
"Sir, Your wife's death was caused (holding up a golf ball in his right
hand) by this little white sphere." The man nods to the doctor. "And
this is why I asked you down here Sir, We found this lodged in her anal
cavity. (holding another ball in his left hand).
The man answered, "Oh yea, Doc, that was my second shot!"

Contribution by bu2wally@theonramp.net 09/97

Page updated 08/26/01 by JAM Computer Consulting contact wally@cyberservices.com