I received my Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Kentucky August of 1997.  In addition to attending the university, I worked full-time for the Communications department.  I started as a telephone operator and later worked in other areas of the communications department.  All of these jobs were very interesting and I had the opportunity to meet many people from all walks of life.   

     During the summer of  1996 I had an opportunity to travel to Indonesia with my Indonesian roommate.  One of the many things I did while in Indonesia was take a twelve day busy tour.  It was a native Indonesian tour; therefore, the tour was mostly in Indonesian.  My roommate's sisters set it up.  I did have a wonderful time.  While on the bus tour, I had the honor of seeing one of the seven wonders of the world,  Candi Borobudur.  Other parts of this bus tour took me to Bali, Lombok and other beautiful islands.  I found taking the ferry tour to be quite an experience.  Let me know about some of your experiences by e-mailing me at my address below.  

     After my graduation and ending my employment with the communication department at the university.  I worked temporarily for Account Temps.  In February of 1998 Superior Office Support placed me at my current position in the accounting department of CarQuest Auto Parts.  In October 1998 CarQuest relocated me from Lexington Ky to Raleigh NC.

Some part-time jobs I have worked at in the past fews years have been with Arby's and J C Penney.

     Here is a little more info about me.  I attended Berea College in Berea, KY after graduation from Adair County High School in Columbia, KY.  After completing two years at Berea, I enlisted in the Army.  While in the service, I had an opportunity to live in Germany and  Korea.  I enjoyed both countries very much.  However, I had more fun in Korea.  I was stationed at Camp Humphries, a military base south of Seoul for 22 months.  Upon ending my service, I continued to live in Korea near the Yongsan Army Base.  I worked on the base at two different areas. The first area was the Dragon Hill Lodge. It is a resort for military and civilian personnel stationed and visiting Seoul.  I worked there for two years.  From there I moved to Child Development Services.  I had the pleasure of registering children for day care and after school programs.  Both Dragon Hill and the Child Development Services were very interesting jobs.   If you have lived in another country and worked either for your government or the local government e-mail me at the address below.  We can exchange stories.

     If you will continue to check, my page will be better and better.   Please e-mail me with any suggestions you may have.  My e-mail address is