Shortbus' World

I live in this beautiful city, which is the capitol of Virginia. There are so many things to do from shopping, sightseeing, historic places, Civil War battlefields, fine dining, and professional sports at your fingertips. You should come visit one day.

Thank you for visiting my homepage. In the next few pages, you will find out a few things about me; who I am, what I do, who are my friends, my interests, and so on. I am always curious about the people I talk to on the other side of the computer. Well, you will find out about me. I came up with a few things about myself and I hope that you enjoy what you see.

I look for ways to improve myself. If you think I can improve my homepage, whether it be some cool graphics, another subject to talk about, or anything else, please e-mail me. Please sign my guestbook.


My Family

November 21, 1998

My Career




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Tavern Friends

Tavern Pictures


More Jokes


Here is something I think all people should be concerned about. Many children are missing and we need your help to find them. Check out this address and do what you can to save the life of a missing child.


Thank you Andrea for this very important award :)

Don't forget to sign my guestbook. I only have 3 responses, and look at the number of people that have visited my homepage. I had over 22 responses, but they somehow got deleted. So, sign my guestbook and make me happy : )

You can reach me on ICQ at 5584211 or AOL Instant Messenger at FFShortbus.

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