Spring Creek Golf League
adopted April, 1986
revised April, 1987
revised April, 1988
revised April, 1990
revised April, 1991
revised April, 1992
revised April, 1993
revised April, 1994
revised August, 1995
revised April, 1997
revised September, 1998
revised April, 1999
revised April, 2001
revised April, 2002
revised April, 2003
The league is an individual and team event. Each team is
Composed of two or more golfers (MAX: five golfers) One team
Member will be designated as the team captain. Each team will
Field two golfers for competition.
Each team member is ranked in order of handicap; I.E. the
Lowest handicap golfer is first golfer, the next handicap golfer
Is the second golfer, etc? The ranking for all teams and individuals
Is published by
Each golfer will play a 9-hole match against a golfer of equal
Ranking of the opposing team. First golfers will compete against
Each other and second golfers will compete against each other.
This does not mean that opposing golfers must have identical handicaps. In the case of two golfers of the same team having an
Identical handicap, the team must declare which golfer plays
Which opposing golfer before the first tees off?
The Rules Committee will be the governing body of the Spring Creek
Golf League. The league will be played according to the U.S.G.A.
"THE RULES OF GOLF" manual (current year). Interpretation of which is that of the Rules Committee.
The Rules Committee has no power to waive a Rule of Golf.
The Rules Committee will consist of five representatives. The
Rules Committee will assign among themselves a Chairman, a Treasurer
And a Scorer for the following year.
Election to the Rules Committee will be held by an all-league election ballot. The members with the most votes will be eligible to be a representative on the Rules Committee. The announcement of the new Rules Committee will be at the end of league play, at which time their term of office will begin and run through the next year's league play.
The league may play in one or two equal seasons. The spring
Season should start no later than May 15 and the fall season
Should end no later than September 30. If there exist two
Seasons, they must not overlap each other. Teams must be formed
At least four weeks prior to the start of play of each season.
If the number of teams accepted into the league is greater than
The number of weeks in the season minus one (see SCHEDULE section
On position week), then the league should be divided into
Division according to the following method.
The league will be divided into divisions according to the
Number of teams enters. Where possible, an even number of teams
Within each division will be determined in order that all teams
Play each other without a 'bye'.
The teams in each division will be determined by team average
Handicap. Team members without active handicaps (new members)
Must estimate their handicap in order to determine the team
Handicap. The lowest handicap teams will be placed in Division I,
Next lowest in Division II, etc. A team may request to be moved
Up or down a division before league play has started upon
Approval by the Rules Committee.
Each team will play every other team in their division once, if
Possible, to meet the schedule of the season.
The last week of the season will be 'position' play. The team
Which is in 1st place will play the team, which is in 2nd place,
3rd place will play 4th place, etc. Teams with identical point
Scores will be placed in a position by a drawing for a position
Which will then determine who plays whom. If a tie remains after
‘Position’ week for 1st place and/or 2nd place, the teams will
Continue to play matches until a winner for 1st place and/or 2nd
Place is resolved. Ties in other positions are not required to
Play-off since there will be no awards involved.
If the league is arranged into divisions, a play-off will be
Scheduled to determine the overall League Championship according
To the following method.
At the end of the fall season, the division winners of each
Season will be entered into a league championship series. If the
Same team wins both seasons then that team will receive an
Automatic bye for the first round of the playoffs.
The spring winners of each division will first play the fall
Winners of their division. Then, the division champions will play
Each other for the league championship. The overall winner will
Receive league championship trophies and all other play-off teams
Will receive division championship awards. Award dollar amounts
are determined by the Rules Committee.
All playoff matches that end in a tie will continue play with
Sudden death. Play will begin on Hole#1. Sudden-death winner will
Be decided when a team wins a match hole (example: ““ golfers
Halve the hole but a "B" golfer wins, team wins).
Match play with low net will determine the scoring. Each match
Is played for 18 points, so that there is a total of 36 match
Points at stake each week for each team. Match points are award
On a hole-by-hole basis. Each hole is worth two points. A
‘Halved’ hole will yield one point to each competitor. In
Addition, each player will play for 6 low-net points and the team
With the lowest aggregate net score will receive 6 points.
Thus, 54 points are at stake for each scheduled round. Any ties
Will result in halving of the points.
The results of each match are to be recorded on one Tally card
Which will be supplied to the teams. It is the joint
Responsibility of the two team captains to make certain that the
Information on the Tally card is correct.
A course score card must be signed by a member of both teams
Immediately after play. The score card is the official scoring
and cannot be altered after it is signed. The two cards must be
Turned into the Rules Committee Scorer as soon as possible. Any
Arithmetic errors on the Tally card will be changed by the
Occasionally, an error can occur in the ranking and/or handicap
Of a golfer on the weekly handicap sheet. The team is responsible
For calling such discrepancies to the attention of the Scorer
Before the next match. The scorer will notify the opposing team
Of the correction.
The League home course will be the Blackjack course at the Chase
Oak Golf Club
be Tuesday & Wednesday.
Tee-times will start at
may be split into third weeknights of play.
If a given match is arranged and a team does not show for the
Arranged tee-off, the match will be forfeited. 18 points will be
Awarded to the team, which showed up for the tee-off. The
Remaining 36 points will be awarded on how team plays against
Handicaps. Two points will be awarded for each hole that the
Player ties or beats his handicap score for that hole. The team
Must complete a minimum of seven holes to complete the match.
If one golfer does not show for the arranged tee-off time, then
That golfer must play both opposing golfers for match points (36)
And the A player for 6 team net points, and that team will forfeit
The B players team net points (6) and the teams net points (6).
If only one golfer from both teams shows for the arranged tee-
Off time, then only one match (for 36 points) will be played and
The A players team net points (6). In addition, the remaining
Team net points (12) for both teams will be forfeited.
Both golfers will have their scores entered into their handicap
History file.
If only one golfer from one team shows for the arranged tee-off
Time and no one shows up from the other team, the single golfer
Will be play for 36 points based on how the player plays against
Handicap. Four points will be awarded for each hole that the
Player ties or beats his handicap score for that hole. A minimum
Of seven holes must be completed for match to count.
Team A Team B Match Points Medal Points
1 Man 2 Men Single plays against both Team B - 12
opponents for two points/hole.
1 Man 1 Man Play each other for four points None
per hole. (Total 36)
1 Man 0 Men Single plays vs par for four None
points/hole. (Total 36)
0 Men 2 Men Play vs par for 2 points/hole. Team B - 18
Any team or team member, which does show up after play has
Started will forfeit that hole and preceding holes. Play will
Continue on the next hole. Start of play on any hole is consider
When the first golfer has tee off and the end of play on any hole
Is consider when the last golfer has holed out. In this case, all
Golfers will have their scores entered into their handicap History
Teams, which forfeit matches, will have an equal amount of points
Subtracted from their season-end point total in determining
Point prize money. Forfeited points will not effect team
Standings, only point prizes money.
If a team sustains a total of 3 two man team forfeits over the
Course of the entire golf club season, then that team will 1) lose
All point money it was to receive, 2) Will NOT be eligible for post
Season play. This rule applies only to two man forfeits (both
Members of the team do not show up to play). This rule does not
Apply to one-man forfeits (where one member of team shows up to play).
A member of the Rules Committee can cancel any league play do
to inclement weather before the first foursome has teed off.
Players may call the Chase Oaks Golf Club, is the Club is
open, then the league will play.
If all golfers of the foursome agree that the weather has
Become inclement or darkness has falling, then play may be
Stopped. All golfers which do not complete 7 holes of play
Will have the match considered cancelled or forfeited(see
FORFEIT section on late show ups).
For golfers which complete less than 9 holes and more than 7,
Will have their handicaps figured on the holes played. Match
Play results will also be based on those holes actually played.
For team low net score and golfer's handicap, the gross 9 hole
Score will be computed as follows:
9 hole score = (7 hole score - 7 hole par) X 9/7 + 9 hole par
9 hole score = (8 hole score - 8 hole par) X 9/8 + 9 hole par
When a round is cancelled, all scores, penalties and forfeits
In that round are cancelled. Replay of the match will be played
From the first tee.
Handicaps are computed on the guidelines of the U.S.G.A.
Method, modified for 9-hole play, adjusted for a par 36 golf
The USGA Maximum handicap of 36 or 18 for 9 holes will be
Waive. The maximum handicap imposed on all golfers will be 25.
Any score which is older than two years will be removed from
The golfer’s handicap history file at the begin of each spring
The holes on which a handicap stroke is given will conform to
The U.S.G.A. method. Handicap holes are shown on each scorecard.
The most difficult hole of a golf course is given a handicap of 1
And the least difficult hole is given a handicap of 18. The
Number of handicap strokes that a golfer can be given will be
Based on the course. One stroke is first given on all Par 3,4 & 5
Holes and then an additional stroke may be given on Par 5 holes.
Therefore, the maximum number of strokes that a golfer can
Receive will be: (number of Par 3 holes) + (number of Par 4
Holes) + 2(number of Par 5 holes). In a given match, the two
Golfers subtract their handicaps from each other to determine
How many strokes one of the golfer will receive? Then the strokes
Are applied to the appropriate holes.
A team can add players at any time, up to the maximum of 5,
Except no player can be added to a team in the last 3 weeks of
Season play or for any playoff match. If a new player replaces
A member of a team that is no longer playing then no additional
Fee is required.
New golfers will establish their initial handicaps by non-league
Play. Each new member can submit at least two 9-hole rounds
Played during the last 12 months on any golf course to establish
An initial handicap in the club. Alternatively a player may submit
An official USGA handicap to establish initial handicap in the club.
Failure to establish an initial handicap by turning in either
Two 9-hole rounds or a USGA handicap, will result in golfer playing
With a zero handicap in league play until two rounds of play have
Been entered into the golfer's handicap history file.
Since the USGA Handicap System requires that a golfer have five
Rounds of golf before a handicap is applied, the first score
Posted by the new golfer will be entered five times. The next
Four scores will replace each duplicate score until there exist
Five unique scores.
To Avoid Forfeits a team my Substitute a Player that has a league
Handicap, and is not in the same Division. Example: a Team in
Tuesday nigh League Division 1 can ask a player from Tuesday
Night Division 2 and either Division on the Wednesday Night
The prize fund (or dues) for each year will be $60 per team.
This prize fund is payable by the first match game else the match
can be forfeited by Rules Committee decision. Dues will not be refunded after league schedule has been established. Each member of the
Rules Committee is exempt from paying yearly dues ($20 ea.)
Season awards will be given to each team of the 1st
Place teams (see PLAY-OFF section). Cash prizes based on team
Point totals will be reward to all members from the prize fund.
The Rules Committee has the authority to use prize fund monies
For special awards or other expenditures.
The USGA "RULES OF GOLF" will be the rulebook for the league.
Some of the rules are listed below for your benefit. For a
Complete list of the rules, obtain your own copy or ask the Rules
Committee for an explanation on any particular rule.
No one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind
The ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or
Making a stroke.
A "Hazard” is any bunker or water hazard. (Bare patches,
Scrapes, roads, track and paths are not hazards.)
"Out-of-bounds" is ground on which play is prohibited. When out
of bounds is defined by reference to stakes or a fence or as
being beyond stakes or a fence, the out of bound line is
Determined by the nearest inside points of the stakes or fence
Posts at ground level excluding angled supports. When out of
Bounds is defined by a line on the ground, the line itself is out
Of bounds. The out of bound line is deemed to extend vertically
Upwards and downwards. A ball is out of bounds when all of it
Lies out of bounds. A player may stand out of bounds to play a
Ball lying within bounds.
RULE 2-5 - CLAIMS - In match play, if a doubt or dispute arises
Between the players and no duly authorized representative of the
Committee is available within a reasonable time, the players
Shall continue the match without delay. Any claim, if it is to be
Considered by the Committee, must be made before any player in
The match plays from the next teeing ground or, in the case of
The last hole of the match, before all players in the match leaves
The putting green. (Therefore, be sure and agree that a point is
To be protested to the Rules Committee before going on to the
Next hole. In any event try to resolve disputes on the course).
RULE 15 - PLAYING A WRONG BALL - If a player play a stroke with
A wrong balls except in a hazard, he shall lose the hole. If a
Player plays any strokes in a hazard with a wrong ball, there is
No penalty. Strokes played in a hazard with a wrong ball do not
Count in the player's score. If the player and opponent exchange
Balls during the play of a hole, the first to play the wrong ball
Other than from a hazard shall lose the hole; when this cannot be
Determined, the hole shall be played out with the balls
If a competitor plays a stroke with a wrong ball except in a
Hazard, he shall add two penalty strokes to his score and shall
Then play the correct ball. Strokes played with a wrong ball do
Not count in a competitor's score.
If a ball at rest is moved by an outside agency (competitor
Plays wrong ball), the player shall incur no penalty and the ball
Shall be replaced before the player plays another stroke. If the
Ball moved is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be
RULE 26 - WATER HAZARDS - If a ball lies in, touches or is lost
In a water hazard, the player may under penalty of one stroke:
a. Play his next stroke as nearly as possible at the spot from
Which the original balls was last played or moved by him;
b. Drop a ball behind the water hazard, keeping the point at
Which the original ball last crossed the margin of the water
Hazard between him and the hole, with no limit to how far
Behind the water hazard the ball may be dropped;
c. As additional options available only if the ball lies or is
Lost in a lateral water hazard, drop a ball outside the water
Hazard within two club-lengths of (I) the point where the
Original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or (ii)
A point on the opposite margin of the water hazard equidistant
From the hole. The ball must be dropped and come to rest not
Nearer the hole than the point where the original ball last
Crossed the margin of the water hazard.
Ball is lost outside a water hazard or is out of bounds, the
Player shall play a ball, under penalty of one stroke, as nearly
As possible at the spot from which the original ball was last
Played or moved by him/her.
If a ball may be lost outside a water hazard or may be out of
Bounds, to save time the player may play another ball
Provisionally as nearly as possible at the spot from which the
Original ball was played. The player shall inform his opponent in
Match play or his marker or a fellow-competitor on stroke plays
That he intends to play a provisional ball, and he shall play it
Before he or his partner goes forward to search for the original
Ball. The player may play the provisional ball until he reaches
The place where the original balls is likely to be. If he plays a
Stroke with the provisional ball from the place where the
Original ball is likely to be or from a point nearer the hole
Than that place, the original ball is deemed to be lost and the
Provisional ball becomes the ball in play under the penalty of
Stroke and distance (Rule 27-1). If the original ball is neither
Lost outside a water hazard nor out of bounds, the player shall
Abandon the provisional ball and continue play with the original
Ball. If he fails to do so, any further strokes played with the
Provisional ball shall constitute playing a wrong ball and the
Provisions of Rule 15 shall apply.
All local course rules will apply as stated on the golf course
Score card.
The following league rules will be enforced in order to speed
Play. The golfer whose ball is in question must confer with an
Opposing team golfer before continuing.
LEAGUE RULE 1 - &"Play the Ball as it Lies"
A ball must be played AS IT LIES per USGA rules unless otherwise
Instructed by the rules committee.
If a ball is found to be out-of-bounds or lost in play and a
Provisional ball was not played, then a two-stroke penalty will
Be assess to the golfer’s score instead of the stroke-and-
Distance penalty. The ball can be dropped two club lengths from
The point the ball entered the out-of-bounds area or where the
Ball was believed to be lost. A time limit of 5 minutes to search
For a lost ball will be enforced.
The maximum number of strokes (including penalties) that a
Golfer will be allowed to score will be as follows:
Par 3 Hole - 6
Par 4 Hole - 8
Par 5 Hole - 10
The ball must be picked up when the maximum stroke limit is
Reached in order not to hold up play. If both golfers score the
Maximum stroke limit then the hole will
be halved. Exception: In the
event a player is
receiving a stroke from his opponent on the hole, the player receiving the
stroke wins the hole.
This maximum stroke limit is greater than that used by the USGA
Handicap system , which is called "Equitable Stroke Control".
LEAGUE RULE 4 - "Unmarked boundary"
The rule apples only to holes number 3 and 12 on Sawtooth. The area across the creek along the fence line (out of bounds per property lines rule)on the west side that runs north, then east behind the green has an area that is not maintained by the course. A ball hit in this area would be ruled as "Out of Bounds" or "Lost Ball", a 2 stroke penalty (see League
Rule 2). This rule considers the above described area as a Hazard and
Under penalty of 1 stroke.
Slow play is a problem common to most clubs and a concern of
All golf committees. In attempting to cope with slow play, the
Rules Committee is recommending that all members read, understand
And adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Before starting always know your handicap and the local
2. While others are playing their shot, size up yours so you
Are ready to play when it is your turn. Be ready to play at all
3. Line up where your shot lands with objects in the area to
Avoid search time.
4. Do not practice-swing or waggle unnecessarily.
5. Do not distract and delay others with idle chatter.
6. Should putt continuously until holed out unless stepping in
Another golfer’s line. The "your away" golf etiquette is not
Necessary on the putting green and does cause delay.
7. Do your score keeping on the next tee, not the putting
8. Allow faster players to play through.