I'm not going to...

I'm not going to play this game anymore
I'm not going to break your heart
I'm not going to say things that I don't mean
I'll stop myself before I even start

I'm not going to tell you I'm you perfect man
The one you dreamed of as a girl
I'm not the best, I'm just like all the rest
Striving to make it in this world

I'm not going to lie anymore
I'm afraid of what I can control
I fear I'm going to lose you to a better man
Who can get past you heart and into your soul

I only try to be the man you deserve
and I'm sure this act cant last forever
I just don't want to give in while I'm still ahead
And we're both told to never say never

I'm not going to break your heart
Because I know I haven't even touched it yet
And I can feel the hollowness of your I love you's
I've just accepted to take whatever I can get

I'm not going to say things that I don't mean
I can never be that man of your dreams
And although I will try I know both you and I
Know it's as helpless as it seems

I'm sorry nothing else could be done
I'm sorry that I wasn't the one? for you