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The Truth

Duke Basketball is the best, it will always be better than
UNC because it has class and it doesn't have punks
and the fans are loyal and actually pay attention to their
team and don't leave early because of traffic and do
know about recruits before their blue and white game
and follow the prospects while they are juniors and
don't rely on the frontpage newspaper article and have
fans that care more about their team than any person
from Chapel Hill or anyone who pretends to bleed that
ugly baby blue or abandons their team at the first scent
of something amiss in the Dean Dome.

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Aside from Duke's complete superiority of that ugly
baby blue, there is much more to Duke. Duke
University is a prestigous institution among the nations
top schools. Their basketball program upholds the
same thirst for sucess. Duke has become one of the
nations top basketball programs and has established
themselves as a true tournament contender. But enough
of this because you already know that Duke is the best
university in the country. So why does Duke mean so
much to me?

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I guess Duke has always been part of my family's
dinner conversation and my true love in sports. I guess
the credit goes to my parents because they were Duke
fans before I was born. As the son of season ticket
holder, Cameron was not only a TV image and the
Cameron Crazies not a conception of Dicky V's praise,
because not even he can give an accurate image of the
experience of Cameron, because it is truly an
experience. And an experience that Crazies like me can
bare, unlike those wimpy Carolina fans who complain:
"It's too hot!" or "I can't bear the heat!". But I guess
that's to be expected of a Carolina fan. The 100 plus
degree heat of an ACC battle is just another day at
Cameron for the avid Duke fan, oh yeah, all Duke fans
are avid!

I could continue about Duke's dynasties, and K-Ville,
or other reasons Duke is superior over every other
team in this world, but then you will never get to
explore my page!