Let's Talk about GOLF !!!
Hi! Here's the scoop on the leagues I plan to run at Squaw Creek Golf course during 2008.

As the SCGC LEAGUE DIRECTOR, I am responsible for the conduct and operation of ALL leagues at Squaw Creek Golf Course. I will be contacting the current league Czars to work out the details of this years association. If there is a problem with any of the leagues, I am the one to contact. So if you have a gripe, question, suggestion and/or accolades - tell me the good news. I can be reached by cell phone 817-675-7505 or by e-mail at charlielambert@charter.net
Featured Tip:
The old addage of keeping your head still results in a stiff presentation and a push results. Stay loose and let your body flow.

Try it and see if you hit better shots.:
Fighter Enterprise Golf League
Redneck Golf League
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