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Schurr Classes of '73 &'74
30-Year Reunion
It's time for our 30-year reunion and have we got an exciting weekend planned for you. From Golf on Friday to the Party on Saturday and  Picnic on Sunday, you'll get lots of time to spend with your long lost friends.

When:  May 1, 2004

Where: Maggie's Pub
       11900 Telegraph Rd
       Santa Fe Springs

Cost:   $65/Single          $110/Couple
       (price goes up March 15)

Time:  5:30                      Registration/Cocktails
  (no host Bar)
     6:30 Dinner
     8:00 Dancing until Midnight
Battle of the Bands Champion

Make checks payable to: 
    Schurr '73 & '74 Reunion

Send money (checks/money order) to:
  Schurr '74 Reunion
  c/o Geri (Calderon) DeVille
  1240 S Lynwood St
  La Habra, CA 90631

  Please fill out Return Form and
   send with your payment
When:  May 2, 2004

Where: Schurr High Football Stadium

Time: 12 noon until ???

Cost: $10 per person
    (Children UNDER 3 free)
     Includes catered lunch
     by Chris & Pitts

Send money to:
     Same as reunion
When: April 30, 2004

Where: La Mirada Golf Course
(we tried but couldn't get Montebello CC)
Time: First tee-time
Format: Blind 4-somes
        (no sandbagging!)
Who you play with is not necessarily on your team. :-)

Cost:  $50

Includes: Golf, Cart, Lunch, Driving Range & Prizes
      Longest Drive and Closest to pin prizes

Skins: $5 buy-in

Send money to:
     Same as reunion

Schurr High School
Schurr Classes of '73 & '74 Reunion Links:
Class of '74 Missing Classmates
Class of '73 Missing Classmates (HERE NOW!)
Look at Whose Coming!
Hotel Information
The Band - ACE
Maggie's Pub
Return Form
Yahoo! Greetings
Primary Contacts:
Name: Geri (Calderon) DeVille
Geri (Calderon) DeVille
Marie Venegas
Yolie (Fregoso) Ortiz