Grass Valley SIRS Golf League
Tournaments State Tournaments NCGA Handicaps Golf Links
Welcome to the Grass Valley SIRS Golf website.This is the tenth year for your web site. It is our intention to provide schedules and results for local tournaments. In addition there is access to the NCGA and other golf web sites. To navigate click on the button of your choice at the top of the page. From the tournaments page you can click on tee times to find tournament information or results to see if you won anything. You can check the bottom of this page to find the latest update and then click on it to go directly to it.There may be times when something is not available depending on my schedule and the vagaries of computers. I will do the best I can. If you have any comments you can click on my name and send an e-mail. Gene
There have been a few changes to starting times and cost. The final word is 9:00 AM April 27 and $35.00.
Latest Update: Auburn CC Info
Coming Soon: Auburn Results
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person to visit our web site
For information concerning this web site contact  Gene.
This site was last updated on 4 - 21  - 09