From the beginning of time
People have searched for these
We have strived to be these
This is what I want to be for you

I want to be your best friend
To be Laverne to your Shirley
Thelma to your Louise
Cheech to your Chong
Richie to your Fonz
Cagney to your Lacey

I want to be you lover
To be Diana to your Charles
Liz Taylor to your Richard Burton
Cleopatra to your Mark Anthony
Cher to your Sonny
Becall to your Bogie
Katherine Hepburn to your Spencer Tracy
Bonnie to your Clyde

I want to be the one to share confidences with you
To be Robin to your Batman
Kit to your Micheal Knight
Oscar to your Hammerstein

I want to be loyal to you
To be Alice to your Ralph
Lassie to your Timmy
Scooby to your Shaggy
Betty to your Barney

I want to trust and be trusted by you
To be Lois to your Superman
Eve to your Adam
Wilma to your Fred
Harriet to your Ozzie

I want us to be life long companions
To be Laurel to your Hardy
Gracie to your George
Pebbles to your Bam Bam

All these things I want for you
The best of everything
But most of all
I want you to know that you are loved.

By Janet Moody October 20,2000
All I want
Link to my other pages :)