Chi Rho 

(Greek word for Christ)

Whether you know what the funny little symbol (Chi Rho) you clicked on, means or not, I would like to share something with you: I, Young A. Smith, III, am a Christian. Young's Karate is NOT here to preach sermons, you can go to church and hear a much better sermon than I could ever give. The purpose of Young's Karate is simply this: Sweat, Learn, & have Fun. The purpose of me teaching is: I love people, I love children and I love the martial arts. Yes, we use the word love too much and no one knows what you really mean. What I mean is this. The Bible says: that everything that I put my hand to, to do it well. That I am to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer. That I am to share the Saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. That means I need to do what Christ did and be where people need me. The Pharacies don't need my help, the students at Young's Karate do! Finally, I am but a seed planter, Christ is standing at the door of your heart and knocking, it is your choice. 

Please keep this school and me in your prayers. My Prayer: I pray for wisdom, grace and forgiveness for me as a teacher, a husband and a father.



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Last modified: May 14, 2000