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Home > Psicofármacos > Anorexígenos > Mazindol

Commercial Names:
They sharpen, Dimagrir, Fastin, Ilezol, Liofindol, Obendol, Samonter, Sanorex, Solucaps, Tenorac.

Therapeutic Action:
Treatment of the exogenous obesity in the short term (of 6 to 8 weeks), in adults and greater children of 12 years, like helping of the poor diet in calories.

Effects to dversos

The Mazindol is indicated in the treatment of the obesity as complement of the hypocaloric diet, as much to diminish of weight as in the maintenance of the diminution of weight.

The M azindol, imidazoisoindol tricyclic pertaining to a new class of chemistry of anorexígenos. Unlike the carried out investigations with drugs like the amphetamine and its derivatives, the studies with mazindol demonstrate that there are certain differences, with regards to the place and mechanisms of action of mazindol and suppresors of the appetite of the anfetamínico type. Clinical studies have demonstrated that, even though mazindol has certain estimuladoras properties of the SNC, their quality is significantly different from the feniletilamínicos derivatives. In these investigations there are accumulated tests that they indicate that mazindol does not induce dependency or phenomenon by ricochet.

The absorption of Mazindol takes place with an average life of 1 hour. 2 a unique oral dose of 1 or mg can be detected in the blood after 10 minutes.
The maximum plasmáticas concentrations are reached after 3,6 hours on the average. The union to plasmáticas proteins is of 77%. The average life of elimination in plasma is of 10 hours approximately. The urinary excreción of the inalterable substance and the metabolitos ascends to 40-50% of which around 4% they represent the inalterable substance.

Dosage and Way of Administration :
It is recommended to once begin the treatment with a daily dose of 1mg to the day one hour before the breakfast, with increases of 1mg twice to the day, one hour before the meals, or of 2mg, once to the day, one hour before the lunch. The treatment does not have to be superior to 8 weeks. If the treatment is due to repeat it will have to observe an interval without medication that is not inferior to the period of preceding treatment.

Adverse Effects :
The registered adverse secondary reactions more are dryness of mouth, nervousness, constipación (possibly due to the changes in the nourishing habits) and upheavals of the dream. Less frequent indirect effect are nausea, vomit, migraine, I navigate, tachycardia, reversible of the micción of the sexual function and the sudación. In isolated cases cutaneous eruptions of the hypertension have been registered, sincerely, diarrea pain and bad flavor of mouth. The treatment will be due to interrupt if they appear allergic symptoms.

The use of anorexígenos in minors of 12 years is not recommended. If the suspicion of physical or psychic dependency exists, to consult with the doctor. They can reduce the sugar levels in blood in the diabetics. They are only recommended for the use in the short term; when it is suspended, after a prolonged administration, the metering is due to reduce in gradual form.

Use during the pregnancy and lactancia: In diabetic patients, the suppresor administration of the appetite and the concomitante dietetic regime can modify the sanguineous glucose concentrations. Mazindol can affect the oral answer to the insulin and hipoglucemiantes, reason why the metabolic state of the patient will have to throughout stay in observation the treatment. The dose of insulin and oral hipoglucemiantes can need a readjustment. Precaution in the presence of psychosis is required. Mazindol does not recommend in smaller children of 12 years nor in patients of age outpost. The patients whom they have to drive vehicles or to handle machines will have to control first their reaction to the drug.
Alterations of the laboratory tests: They have not been reported.
Carcinogénesis, Mutagénesis, Teratogénesis and alterations of the Fertility: They have not been reported.

Medicamentosas interactions:
Their possible interactions with inhibiting medicines of the MAO must be considered, reason why 2 weeks must be suspended before the treatment with Mazindol.

Well-known Hipersensibilidad to the Mazindol, glaucoma of close angle, renal, hepática insufficiency and/or cardiac serious; arrhythmias cardiac, serious hypertension, hiperexcitabilidad, states of agitation and antecedents of drug abuse.

Sobredosificación :
Symptoms: Nausea, vomit, migraine, tachycardia, arrhythmia cardiac, disnea, alterations of the micción, excitation, convulsions, comma.
Treatment: Elimination of the drug by gastric washing, followed of the activated charcoal administration. If it is necessary, the symptomatic treatment of support and monitoring of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. In case of excitation and convulsions; barbiturates of fast action or benzodiazepinas.



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