This Golf Society, situated in the County of Kent, Southern England, has as its members, people from different walks of life. From Safeway Drivers, Teachers, Retired Teachers, Police, British Telecom, Self Employed and Various Experts, in many fields. There is never a dull moment when we take to the golf courses, as the conversation is always stimulating or down right funny !  


On our golf days, we normally have a couple of prizes for the nearest the pin on a par 3, but the ball must be on the green. There is  also a prize for the nearest the pin in 3 shots, and the ball need not be on the green. The scores are done using the Stableford rules and a winner from each of the 3 divisions gets a prize, and the overall winner also gets a trophy to keep for a year. We have a trophy for each monthly golf day. We arrange our monthly golf days, mainly in the Southern part of England, but occasionally, we have a day trip over to France for a few holes and maybe a few bottles of wine will be brought back. These are to remind us of the day and that is all. We play for the "Euro Cup" on our 4 day golf holiday in France, where we sample the good food and wine, and hopefully have an enjoyable time.

MAGS was founded in the 1970's and has survived quite a few changes over the years. The membership, is around the fifty mark. We are always looking for extra members to enjoy a friendly game of golf, a good meal and an enjoyable day on our monthly golf days.

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This page was last updated on 31 December, 2008