Superior Investment Websites

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These websites will make your financial life a little easier...and they're free!

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It's incredible the vast amount of extremely good investment information that is available for free on the internet. These sites offer information, both general and specific, fund and stock analyses and many financial tools to help you with all aspects of your personal financial life.
The links listed on this page are what I consider "primo" sites...ones that I use regularly to help manage my investments.

Useful Financial Planning Websites

Morningstar--THE guide for mutual fund analysis and statistics

Fund Alarm--Monthly reports on how your funds measure up to their peer group

Quicken--Overall portfolio management with investment analyses

Smart Money--Market/Fund mapping tool is a great visual aid

Vanguard University--Very good investment fundamentals tutor

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this website are my own, personal views. I am NOT an investment professional. Seek professional advice before you invest.