A Pseudo Writer's Notebook
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               Yes, a pseudo-writer is what I consider myself. I have never been
            published and it is a rare occassion when I actually finish a story
            I have begun. For example, I am "writing" a novel now and have been
            for five years. During this time I have managed to produce a
            whopping 3 chapters accompanied by copious notes on plot,
            characterization, etc. How's that for discipline and attention to
            the craft? Yet I am so very sly. When slacking in the
            hands-on-keyboard aspect of writing I assure myself I am still
            working towards my goal of publishable work; I read books on writing
            fiction and books on topics related to plot points in my story
            ideas. I call this Research and pat myself on the back. Well, after
            much reflection I have decided to get serious and get something done.
            This page I will use to share my story ideas and the progress I make
            towards their completion. I also hope to place a few short stories
            here as well. This will be the antithesis to my other web page, this
            one will be more "serious", maybe. Someone said I should not layout
            my ideas in the public domain lest some greasy weasel steal them. To
            them I say "so what?". Creative plagarism is alive and well in
            America, and an accepted practice. If I look at any one of my story
            ideas I can trace its lineage through my brain back to something I
            have read somwhere which gave me the kernel of an idea. It happens
            every day.
                I am also interested in photography, a secondary passion really.                  Click on the picture of Jackson Square below to view some of my                    photography collections from my travels.

                 The third section contains personal information, musings, pictures               of friends and family...the usual web site clutter.
Photography and Travel Journals
Personal Type Stuff