Web 420 Assignment #1
1. Sign up for some free web space at www.geocities.com or a similar site so you can save your assignments on the web.
Here is a site that explains how to get your free web space on geocities: http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/learn2/HowItWorks4_Free.html
If you already have some space to use, you can use your existing web space. (1 point)
2. Create an html file with embedded Javascript to calculate and
display the current date.
Do a "View Source" of this file to see how I am calculating and displaying the date below. (i.e. I am giving you the answer)
The output of
this part of the file should look something like this:
Your Name
Today's Date
Web 420 Assignment #1
(3 points)
3. Add some embedded JavaScript logic to the bottom of the html file to display the domain name of the server. Make the output of the JavaScript have this format:
(3 points)
The server which served this document is: www.???.com
Hint: Do some research on how to display "document.domain" in a
4. Save the assignment on your free webspace.
5. In the Assignments-write-only area, post a message with a link to your file. (i.e. www.geocities.com/JoeSmith/week1.html)