Bob gets off to a fine
start down the middle |
Vince wasn't as fortunate |
Mike Brychcy looks like he's
bowing after a fine tee shot |
Bob Perks smiles the smile
of a 3 point winner |
Bryan Baquer approaching
the 18th from 155 out |
Dick Blystone struts to the
playoffs for the second year |
Dicks tee shot on the closest
to the pin hole (#10) |
Did somebody let Bob drive
the cart again?? |
Ron gets some tips from the
local pro....but it didn't help |
Mike strolls off the 18th, just
missing a playoff spot |
Max (What are you looking
at) McHenry |
Roman with a tip of the hat
to the gallery |
Ron tending the flag in a cornfield
still didn't stop Bryan |
Roy Craig on the
picturesque 18th |
And Roys' putt to halve the
match was just as nice |
A shot of the par 5 15th
hole at Mocassin Run |
Steve pops one out of the sand
but it was too little, too late |
Tom enjoying the scenery
more than his putting |
Tallying up the cards in the
clubhouse |
Notice Dick has nothing
to worry about |
Roy challenging the waitress
to round of "strip golf" |
Tom's looking forward to
next year |
This Indian has seen more than
a few balls visit a watery grave |
Ron shows that he shops at the
same shoe store Herman does |