Clubmaster Home Page

Clubmaster Golf

Custom-Fit Clubs, Repairs & Alterations

"Proper Fit Means Better Golf"



Would you spend $500, $600, $700 or more for a new suit without being measured and having the suit tailored to ensure a proper fit?  If your answer is yes, then read no further.  However, if your answer is no, then please continue.

The tailored suit analogy most certainly applies to golf clubs.  Golfers come in all ages, shapes, sizes, and levels of ability, not to mention male and female.  Why then is it that the vast majority of golf clubs sold through sporting goods stores, retail outlets and  pro shops fail to recognize these differences?  The reason is simple.  Large-scale equipment companies must maximize their production capabilities (and minimize production costs) by mass producing golf clubs according to so-called industry "averages" as opposed to fitting for individual physical specifications and playing abilities.  

Clubmaster Golf provides professional fittings along with top quality clubs, club repairs and alterations.  All products are  guaranteed for one full year (under normal usage) and free lifetime loft/lie adjustments are provided for irons and putters built by Clubmaster Golf.   In addition, I now also offer custom gifts & recognition awards in the form of elegant, handcrafted, American made, mallet style putters that can be personalized for individual needs.  Select Custom Gifts & Recognition Awards for more information on these truly unique gifts.

Focusing on the total fitting process achieves optimum feel and performance for each customer.  If you're interested in old-fashioned personal service mixed with open, honest communication and genuine product value, then look no further!  

In the following pages, I'll share some basic clubmaking principles with you to dispel your fears and misconceptions regarding custom golf clubs.  Select Background for a brief personal biography and location information about Clubmaster Golf or choose from one of the main category links at the bottom of the page.

Contact Information

Owner - Steve Newton, PCS Professional Class A Clubmaker
Mailing address
P.O. Box 458
          Canastota, NY 13032-0458
Physical address
        7882 State Route 13
        Canastota, NY 13032
Shop phone - 315-697-5860
Cell phone - 315-372-4004
email -

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Copyright © 2008 Clubmaster Golf Equipment
Last modified: January 18, 2008