Quality Custom Made Golf Clubs for Less
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Only the best for our customers...
Ace of Clubs has been dedicated to building high clubs and complete customer satisfaction for over a decade. Only the highest quality components are used in building our clubs and satisfaction is guaranteed!
LH\ RH \Both |
Flex R/S |
Clubs Available |
Regular Price |
Sale Price |
Zing eye II |
Both |
Apollo (metal) Grafalloy |
R/S |
1,3 wds 1,3,5,7 wds |
$105 ea $135 ea |
$60 ea $85 ea |
IRONS (3-SW) |
Large Marge |
RH |
Apollo (metal) |
R/S |
3-SW |
$270 |
$195 |
Big Brother |
RH |
Grafalloy |
R/S |
3-SW 2 Ir |
$335 $30 |
$195 $25 |
845 |
RH |
Apollo |
R/S |
3-SW |
$350 |
$205 |
Burner |
RH |
Bubble |
R/S |
3-SW |
$350 |
$225 |
Large Marge |
RH only |
PC50 graphite |
Stiff only |
Driver only |
$150 ea |
$95 ea |
How to Build your own set.
Links to Local Golf Courses
: A "do over". Mulligans are often allowed on the first tee during a friendly round. Mulligans are not allowed during sanctioned league play.Chilly Dip: This is not a desired effect. A chilly dip is when you hit the ground before you hit the ball: generally on the putting surface.
Draw: A golf ball that starts out straight and then moves slightly to the left (for a right handed golfer) while in the air.
Fade: A golf ball that starts out straight and then moves slightly to the right (for a right handed golfer) while in the air.
Slice: A generally undesirable effect that causes the ball to spin drastically to the right (right handed).
Hook: A generally undesirable effect that causes the ball to spin drastically to the right (right handed).
Foot Wedge: While not counted as a club in the players bag, this club can often (if undetected) save you from hitting from an undesirable ball position and dramatically improve your score.
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