Newsletter of the Storm King Golf Club

                                                         January 2008

                                                                                        Vol. 1, No. 1


Editor: Dr. Bill Geiser (   


Welcome to the first issue of the new Storm King Golf Club Newsletter.  We hope to publish several times per year to keep the membership informed.  Your suggestions, comments, and participation are encouraged.  Our motto will be – All the news that fits, we print.


From The President’s Desk:

First of all, I would like to thank Dr. Bill Geiser for taking on this new project. I have known Bill for 30 years.  He is a great friend and we should all appreciate what he is doing for the club. When asked to be President, I knew there were a few key areas I wanted to concentrate on. One was communication to the membership. Bill's newsletter was a great idea and will be a vital part of my plans to keep the membership in the loop.
      I encourage members to come to the Board Meetings which are held at the clubhouse on the third Monday of every month at 7:00PM.  There is a lot going on this winter, and I want to thank the entire Board of Directors for their efforts. We have lots to accomplish, and I feel we have the right people in the right positions to succeed as a Board and as a Club. If you have something to discuss but cannot make a meeting, feel free to drop me a note or an email.
      We will start to enhance the website in the beginning of the new year, so keep checking in. I am also sending out regular emails to the membership.  Feel free to send me your address so I can add you to the list. I can be reached at
      Happy New Year to all and to all a new clubhouse!!                                                                                                      ~Dan Mahoney


                               October 28, 2007                                                            December 11, 2007


Building Progress:

                Construction on the new clubhouse is on schedule and on budget.  The building is enclosed with the roof on and the windows installed.  The rough-in of the HVAC (heating, air conditioning, plumbing, and electrical) has already started.  Moving forward, work on the interior will continue throughout the winter months.  The exterior siding will be brick veneer.  Weather permitting, work on the exterior will begin in the spring.                                                                                                  ~Roger Donovan



                At the end of the 2007 season there were a total of 200+ memberships.  We are looking to increase our numbers by adding corporate memberships and social memberships.  Reaching this goal is important to maintaining a reasonable dues structure.                                                                                                                                                                                   ~Tom DeSocio


                Tournaments at Storm King are a great way to get to know new members, or simply folks you have not had the pleasure of meeting before.  There is normally a tournament each weekend from late April early May until September.  All members are eligible for entry into all tournaments at no additional cost; with the exception of the annual Bobby Hall Member-Member Tournament which has an entry fee associated with it.  The “Hally” is contested over the Labor Day weekend and, if you have never been part of it, it is by far the most exciting event at the club each and every year.  This past year was no exception; the competition was great and there was the added excitement of Mike Hotaling scoring an ace on the 12th hole – a first in Storm King Member-Member history!  Exact details and registration for the Member-Member are posted in the clubhouse in mid July.  Be sure to look for them and enter early as the field is limited to the first 40 men’s and ladies’ teams to enter.

                The 2007 tournament season saw the following members win major titles:  Stan Thomas was the Senior Club Champion and Bob Aldrich was the Super Senior Club Champion.  In the Club Championship, Dede Hall was again crowned Women’s Champion and Terry Maguire won his second Club Championship.  The 2007 Member-Member was won by the team of Terry Maguire and Bill Pinder; the Ladies Champions were the mother/daughter team of Dede Hall and Jenn Timmerman.

                The 2008 schedule is currently being worked on.  Carl Ferguson will serve as Tournament Chair for the 2008 year.  We will have schedules sent to everyone and posted on the website as soon as possible.  All tournament information is also posted on the bulletin board in the clubhouse so be sure to check it as you walk through.                                                             ~Phil Connolly


Clubhouse Happenings:

      You may have heard the rumor that the Club is taking over the concession next season and yes it is true.  I will be retuning as the manager.  The House committee, Dan, and I have been hard at work to make this an easy transition.  We will be opening in April in the old clubhouse and will be moving sometime late in the season.  Again, the House, Dan, and I are trying to anticipate all the changes that will take place once we move.  This is going to be a crucial year at Storm King because there will be a beautiful new building with better technology that will allow us many new service options.  We ask for your patience and understanding so we can all get through this together.  I hope you had a great holiday season and I look forward to seeing you all in the spring. 

                                                                ~Michelle Donovan    


I don't know about everybody else out there, but I am definitely asking Santa for a personal Karaoke machine this year!!!!!!!!
      2007 was a great year for entertainment at SKGC. For those of you that missed many of our events, please be sure to plan accordingly in 2008!!! Karaoke was a hit and the crew from local company, Digital Entertainment, is looking forward to working with us again next season. Who knew we had so many crooners and top 40 divas among us!! Even if you don't sing, karaoke at Storm King is always a wild and fun night of song and dance!
      Last year we also had monthly Food Cook-Offs ranging from chili, to wings, to desserts.  It’s simple; for example, you make something with pineapple (appetizer, dip, pizza, meatball, whatever!) and you compete for bragging rites (and a blue ribbon of course!). And, to the guests that attend- nobody cooks, and there will be Happy Hour specials at the bar. Did somebody say Pina Colada?!?!
      Family Night was another success last season. It was small in numbers, but huge in fun!!! I really think we will have a lot more volunteers and families participating and attending this year. It was about food, crafts, games, golf, and most importantly sharing the game and the club that we love with the ones that we love.
      We will, of course, continue the "entertaining" Golf traditions we have always had like the Sadie Hawkins Tournaments. We have a lot of other fun ideas as well, for example, a Big Break Golf Challenge and a Caddyshack Tournament (you could imagine how that is about both golf and entertainment!!!). These can really become great annual events that we look forward to every year if members would just give them a shot, so...give them a shot!!
      There really was a lot of new stuff we tried last year and I think everyone who participated had fun. From playing poker on the course, to our own member Mark Henderson and his band jamming in the bar with more members joining in and an amazing new clubhouse, there is no limit to the ideas we can bring to life. Specifics and dates will follow because we need to have the official 2008 season tournament schedule for planning and scheduling. I hope we continue these new events in 2008 and perhaps grow some into great new traditions. You would be surprised how much fun you have trying new things and meeting new people at SKGC. And hey, everybody needs a fun, relaxing golf break from GOLF sometimes!!
      Before I continue rambling on, and on I have got to say “Thank You” to Michelle and her staff, as well as Ben and his staff for all of their help and hard work, and support in 2007.  Also to all the members that supported the entertainment events this year...THANK YOU!! Remember, this is our club and the fun, good times, beauty, and sportsmanship is what we make of it! Let's have the best year ever in 2008!
P.S. Volunteers and ideas greatly appreciated!!                                                                                              ~Jenn Timmerman


Ben’s Corner:

                We had another successful year on the greens at Storm King!  The grounds staff did a tremendous job keeping the course in pristine condition.  We have completed the winterizing of the irrigation system, which was a significant milestone for me because it signifies the end of another great season.

                There is still much to do before the New Year, including dormant fertilization and snow mold prevention on all the greens.  Rob Gentile and I will be working through the winter painting, sharpening reels, and improving the shop in anticipation of the start of the new season.  Brush removal will be ongoing throughout the course.

                I hope you have a great holiday season.  I anticipate many additional improvements on the course along with the opening of our new clubhouse later next year.                                                                                                                               ~Ben Babbage


For Sale:

            If you have any items for sale, we will list them as space allows.