My Bitchin' Page

Well, this is my newest addition to my first site. My bitchin' page. Basically it's where I bitch about anything that comes to mind. Everything from school to life, etc. You can send me an e-mail if you want to bitch about my website or hockey or anything else and I'll post it. Bitch, bitch, bitch.

November 19, 1999
This is the first entry of my bitchin' page. I'm going to bitch about the people who think that they can find love on the Net. You can tell that these people watched one too many movies like Tom Hank's "You've Got Mail." Do these people honestly believe that they can find love somewhere in Cyberspace? People, chances are the guy/girl you're talking to looks nothing like he/she says. Sure..... she says her name is Felicity and that she has dirty blonde hair. But in reality, "she" could be some 600 pound guy named Fred sitting in front of the computer in a trailer park somewhere. And "her" hair is not blonde, but it is dirty. I'm sure a lot of you out there have ICQ (I Seek You). Well, once I used the Random Chat Option and I got this lady from Texas somewhere. Anyways, she asks me how old I am and when she realizes that she's old enough to be my "grandmother" (as she puts it), she quickly disconnects. Now, I respect people, and that goes double for seniors. But what kind of narrow-minded "lady" would do that? What's wrong with talking someone younger than you? Not all young people are like those guys from Columbine. Why would a 51 year old lady be trying to look for love on the Net? She could get ripped-off if she's not careful. A lot of weirdos out there who would love to take advantage of a naive old lady looking for some sexual attention on ICQ. And that, my friends, is one man's opinion.

December 3, 1999
Well, I had a bitchin' topic, but after reading my guestbook, I decided to save that for another day. Some young punk (for simplicity's sake, I'll just assume the punk's male) decided to write some profanity in my guestbook. This is what he wrote: "Your # visted counter is gay and you are gay." I started laughing when I read it because it really makes you think. I mean, does this idiot have nothing else better to do than to do that kind of trash? What a disgrace to us Canadians. Do you even know what the word "gay" means? He probably heard some kids say it and in his pathetic attempt to be cool, started to repeat it. Well, let me tell you something, you homophobic freak. Your attempt to insult me has failed miserably. Failure is something I'm sure you're used to. Just to let you know, your comments didn't insult me one bit, so I hope you're not insulted by mine. Afterall, my narrow-minded friend, they're just one man's opinion.

January 7th, 19...I mean 2000
Man, haven't done anything on this page in awhile. I hope everyone's computers, televisions, etc. survived Y2K....well, not quite everyone. I do hope that this one guy's computer blew up in his face when the clock struck 12 AM. Today's bitchin' topic was the one I was gonna use before (see above). A couple of years ago, while reading a local newspaper, I came across a poor sap by the name of Torley Wong. What the hell kind of name is "Torley" anyways? Parents must have been pissed drunk when they named him. Anyways, Torley here was being interviewed because he apparently had a CD out. I can't quite remember the type of music, but I think it was classical. Now Torley is what you might a call a "Renaissance Man." No, wait. I take it back. Renaissance men are usually modest people. This guy was anything but modest. Look up the word "arrogant" in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of this guy. What made him so arrogant? Well, he was quoted as saying something like this: "90% of the people in the music industry have no work ethic. Of the 10% that do have a work ethic, 90% of them have no talent." Strong words for an unproven rookie. Where did he get these "statistics"? I can just see him phoning up Ricky Martin and saying to him: "Ricky, please answer the following question:

I am a ________ musician.

  1. Talented, but Lazy
  2. Non-Lazy, but Untalented
  3. Lazy and Untalented
  4. Talented

I can only imagine what the newspaper reporter though when he heard this comment. For those of you who aren't Mathematics compatitble (which includes myself), let's take the time to break down the quote. Let's assume we have 1000 music performers. According to ol' Torley here, 900 are lazy. The remaining 100? 90 of them have no skill. That just leaves 10 people that are talented, hard working music performers (1%). Hmmmmm. Soooo, Torley. Are you among that 1%? You know, I may have to eat my words if this kid turns out to be the next best thing since sliced bread...which I seriously doubt. Oh well. I remember the article was accompanied by a picture of Torely sitting in front of an electronic keyboard. In the background, one can plainly see his computer with words "Torley Wong" on the screen. Seems like he made a website on himself....if you haven't already, take a look at the section entitled "About Me..." Torely, if you read these comments, I hope you're not mad. Afterall, my arrogant friend, they're just one man's opinion.

January 17th, 2000
You know, it's amazing how many Bitchin' topics you get simply by watching the news or by reading a newspaper. Last December, I remember watching the news and there was this story about these two parents from Seattle. Their only child, a boy, who could not have been more than 1 year old, was being taken away from the parents because the authorities had good reason to believe that they were giving the child marijuana and other drugs. The living conditions of the house were horrendous! Some footage of the house was shown. Piles of cat feces on the floor and needles on the kitchen counter. Needless to say that the mother was being interviwed from her cell in jail (the father, also in jail, was not interviwed). When asked why there was so much cat crap on the floor, the mom cliamed that she had severe asthma and could hardly breathe or smell anything at all. What? Something wrong with your eyes? Then the interviewer asked why there were drugs and needles in the kitchen. Now here's the best part! She claimed she never went into the kitchen because the smell of cat crap inside made her puke. Hmmmmmm. Now that ain't sound right. You know, it's amazing how many people out there should never, ever be parents. And that is one man's opinion.

I want to bitch about...

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