Welcome to
3 Pembleton Place

Updated April 8, 2003

Flowers ... yummm!

Randy Graduated!

Randy finished his requirements for a bachelor's degree in December, and walked with his class at graduation on April 4. The ceremony was held on a Friday evening in a Baptist church one town over. He didn't want me to make a big fuss about it or invite people. He said when he's finished his master's degree (he started an MBA program in January), he'll have a party then. There were refreshments after in the church basement, but I couldn't go down with the stroller.

I wish I had a photo of the best part: Afterward in the parking lot, Randy was walking back to his car (we had separate cars because he had to go an hour early to rehearse) and he turned around to ask me something. Just as I looked up at him,  a shooting star
went by! I couldn't believe it! What a sight that was, him in his cap and gown with the shooting star behind him.

Here's the requisite backyard graduation photo.

Here he is doing the Pomp and Circumstance

Aidan's old trick, learned March 2

Aidan's new trick, started mid-March, mastered April 7

Aidan had his 4-month checkup on April 1. He was 18 lbs., 10 oz and 25-3/4 inches.
Look how he's growing! The doctor said we can start him on cereal if needed, or we can wait longer. It's up to us.
I bought him some but haven't given it to him yet.

The shaded area marks the 3rd through the 97th percentiles.
We see that Aidan is still demonstrating a "tendency toward excessive plumpness."


CLICK on the any of the links below for more photos.

Age 1 Month
Age 2 Months
Christening Age 3 Months
Age 4 Months

E-mail us at pembl@yahoo.com
