Rg Veda 1.32 (To Indra)
1. I proclaim
the heroic deeds of Indra, the mace-bearer, performed
in the primal time. He has slain the serpent and pierced
a way for the waters, he has cleft through the mountain-breast.
2. He has slain the serpent reclining in the mountains,
the divine smith Tvastr fashioned for him the whizzing
mace. The flowing waters, bellowing like cows, swiftly
descended to the sea.
3. Raging like a bull, he took the Soma, he drank three
flagons of the pressed-out Soma. The Bounteous One (Indra)
took up his mace and missiles, he slew that first-born
of the serpents.
4. When you slew, O Indra, the first-born of the serpents,
you destroyed as well the conjurors' magic powers. Engendering
then the sun, sky, and dawn, at that time you truly had
no rival.
5. With his monstrous lethal mace Indra slew the broad-shouldered
Vrtra, the most resistant Vrtra. Like the limbs of a tree
cut up by an axe, the serpent's body lies in pieces on
the earth.
6. Though a drunken, unskilled warrior, he (Vrtra) challenged
the great hero, the god who assails his enemies, striking
powerfully. Indra's enemy could not withstand the blows
of his (Indra's) weapons, he became faceless and was crushed.
7. Though handless and footless, he went to fight Indra,
Indra smashed his back with the mace. Like an ox trying
to contest with a bull, Vrtra, cut in pieces, lies scattered
on the ground.
8. Lying split like a reed, the rising waters overflowed
for human beings; whatever Vrtra had obstructed by his
power, henceforth the serpent lay at their feet.
9. She whose vital force was spent, she whose son was
Vrtra, Indra brought down death upon her. The mother was
above and the son below, the demoness lay like a cow with
her calf.
10. Vrtra's body lay amidst the churning swirling timbers;
the waters flow around the place where Vrtra, Indra's
enemy, lies hidden in deep darkness.
11. With a serpent for a guardian, a dasa for a spouse,
the waters had stood blocked up, like the cows stolen
by the Panis. When he slew Vrtra, Indra unstopped the
blocked passage for the waters.
12. When Vrtra struck at you with his fangs, O Indra,
you became as numerous as a horse's hairs, O first of
the gods. You have won cows, you have won soma, O hero,
you released the seven great rivers to freely flow.
13. Neither lightning nor thunder availed him, nor the
hail and the clouds which he scattered; when Indra and
the serpent did battle, the Beneficent One (Indra) vanquished
the opponent.
14. Whom did you see to avenge the serpent, O Indra, who
will bring the fear of death to your heart, that you crossed
the ninety-nine rivers, as a frightened hawk traverses
the sky?
15. The mighty Indra is ruler of the moving and the fixed,
the wild and the tame. He verily governs as a king among
men, encompassing them as the rim of a wheel the spokes.
Original Sanskrit Hymn :
¡ndrasya n£
vãry¶õi prá vocaü yµni
cakµra prathamµni vajr· |
áhann áhim ánv apás tatarda
prá vakùáõà abhinat
párvatànàm ||
áhann áhim párvate ÷i÷riyàõáü
tváùñàsmai vájraü
ü tatakùa |
và÷rµ iva dhenávaþ syándamànà
á¤jaþ samudrám áva jagmur
µpaþ ||
vçùàyámàõo 'vçõãta
s¢maü tr¡kadrukeùv apibat sutásya
µ sµyakam maghávàdatta vájram
áhann enam prathamajµm áhãnàm
yád indrµhan prathamajµm áhãnàm
µn mày¡nàm áminàþ
pr¢tá màyµþ |
µt s½ryaü janáyan dyµm
uùµsaü tàd·tnà
÷átruü ná k¡là
vivitse ||
áhan vçtráü vçtratáraü
üsam ¡ndro vájreõa mahatµ
vadhna |
skándhàüsãva k£li÷enà
v¡vçkõµhiþ ÷ayata
upapÆk pçthivyµþ ||
ayoddhva durmáda µ h¡ juhv
mahàvãráü tuvibàdhám
çjãùám |
nµtàrãd asya sámçtiü
vadhµnàü sáü rujµnàþ
pipiùa ¡ndra÷atruþ ||
apµd ahast¢ apçtanyad ¡ndram µsya
vájram ádhi sµnau jaghàna |
vÆùõo vádhriþ pratimµnam
b£bhåùan purutrµ vçtr¢
a÷ayad vy
staþ ||
nadáü ná bhinnám amuyµ
÷áyànam máno r£hàõà
áti yanty µpaþ |
yµ÷ cid vçtr¢ mahinµ paryátiùñhat
tµsàm áhiþ patsutaþ÷·r
babhåva ||
nãcµvayà abhavad vçtráputrndro
asyà áva vádhar jabhàra |
£ttarà s½r ádharaþ putrá
àsãd dµnuþ ÷aye sahávatsà
ná dhen£þ ||
átiùñhantãnàm anive÷anµnàü
kµùñhànàm mádhye
n¡hitaü ÷árãram |
vçtrásya niõyáü v¡
caranty µpo dãrgháü táma
µ÷ayad ¡ndra÷atruþ ||
dàsápatnãr áhigopà
atiùñhan n¡ruddhà µpaþ
paõ¡neva gµvaþ |
apµm b¡lam ápihitaü yád
µsãd vçtráü jaghanvµÞ
ápa tád vavàra ||
á÷vyo vµro abhavas tád indra
sçk yát tvà pratyáhan
devá kaþ |
ájayo gµ ájayaþ ÷åra
s¢mam ávàsçjaþ sártave
saptá s¡ndhån ||
nµsmai vidy£n ná tanyat£þ
siùedha ná yµm m¡ham ákirad
dhràd£niü ca |
¡ndra÷ ca yád yuyudhµte áhi÷
cotµpar·bhyo maghávà v¡
jigye ||
áher yàtµraü kám apa÷ya
indra hçd¡ yát te jaghn£ùo
bh·r ágachat |
náva ca yán navat¡ü ca srávantãþ
÷yen¢ ná bhãt¢ átaro
rájàüsi ||
¡ndro yàt¢ 'vasitasya rµjà
÷ámasya ca ÷çïg¡õo
vájrabàhuþ |
sd u rµjà kùayati carùaõãnµm
arµn ná nem¡þ pári tµ
babhåva ||