Health Warning

Im sorry to detract from the usually goofiness of this site, but there is a subject that we have to talk to you about. It has been overlooked by the Health Services and Doctors for many years; and it is DiHydrogen Monoxide Poisoning.

Reasearch has shown us that this substance originated in the rivers, and other natural water sources. Traces have been found in over 96% of the worlds population. The most cases were found in large cities with complex irrigation systems. Doctors offices are now offering Dihydrogen Monoxide tests for a small fee. Although the sustance in and of itself is not harmful, too much of it can be deadly. This can also affect animals. The main symptoms of Dihydrogen Monoxide Poisoning are severe bloating; breathing difficulties; and cold, clammy skin.

Unfortunatly, this major health risk is not taken seriously. Contact your doctor's office to see if they offer this new testing.