ACROTOMOPHILIA: Arousal from amputees
ACHLUOPHILIA: Love of darkness
AELUROPHILIA: Deriving gratification from cats
AGALMATOPHILIA: Attractions to statues or mannequins
AGONOPHILIA: Person who is aroused by a partner pretending to struggle
AMOKOSCISIA: Sexual frenzy with desire to slash or mutilate women
ANDROIDISM: Arousal from robots with human features
ANOPHELORASTIA: Arousal from defiling or ravaging a partner
ANTHROPOPHAGY: Pleasure derived from the ingestion of human flesh
BELONEPHILIA: Arousal from pins or needles
BIASTOPHILIA: Pleasure from forcible rape of a terrified stranger
CANOPHILIA: Turned on by dogs
CHASMOPHILIA: Attraction to nooks, crannies, crevices, and chasms
COPROPHILIA: A fancier of feces
DACRYPHILIA: Arousal from seeing tears in the eyes of a partner
EMETOPHILIA: Arousal from vomit or vomiting
GENOPHOBIA: Fear of sex
GYMNOPHOBIA: Fear of nudity
HEMATOLAGNIA: Sexual stimulation from blood
KERAUNOPHILIA: Turned on by thunder and lightning
KLISMAPHILIA: Sexual pleasure from enemas
LILAPSOPHILIA: Arousal from tornadoes
MANIAPHILIA: Attraction to insane people
MASTIGOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from punishment or being whipped
MOLYSMOPHILIA: Attraction to dirt, filth, or contamination
MISAPODYSIS: Hatred of undressing in front of someone
NASOPHILIA: Arousal from the touch, licking, or sucking of a partner's
PANTOPHILIA: Arousal from just about everything imaginable
PLACOPHILIA: Arousal from tombstones
PHTHIRIOPHILIA: Attraction to lice
POINEPHILIA: Turned on by punishment; masochism
PIZZLE: A whip made of an animal?s penis
PNIGOPHILIA: Aroused from people choking
PTERIDOMANIA: An intense desire for ferns
SEPTOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to decaying matter
SITOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from eating
SPECTROPHILIA: Arousal from looking at oneself in a mirror
STAUROPHILIA: Arousal from the cross or crucifix
STYGIOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from thoughts of hell
TAPHEPHILIA: Arousal from being buried alive
TERATOPHILIA: Arousal from deformed or monstrous people
TRICHOPATHOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to hair
TRAUMATOPHILIA: An unconscious desire to be injured
VAMPIRISM: Consuming blood of a partner for arousal
VACCINOPHILIA: Turned on by becoming vaccinated
XYLOPHILIA: Turned on by wooden objects
ZELOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from jealousy