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Freedom after 3 and a half years of detention in Taiwan

Hi, I am Raj Kumar Goel
I went through forced detention in Taiwan from 7th February, 1996 to 22nd June 1999 on allegations of collision of container ship, under my command, with a Taiwanese fishing boat. I returned to India on 26th June, 1999. The stay in Taiwan has been a terrible chapter of my life, though it taught me a lot about life, relationships and it was due to great support from my parents, friends in India (especially Capt Ashok Jain, Capt Sanjay Gupta, Veeresh Mallik etc)and friends that I made in Taiwan that I could withstand this detention period and stay normal. Offcourse the scars of that incident shall remain throughout my life, however I take this opportunity to thank all of you.

On return I stayed at home for a year and then joined an Indian company, sailed for 3 years and in 2003 took up a shore job with J B Boda Surveyors Pvt. Ltd. From March 2004 till December 2006 I worked with Samudera Shipping Line (India) Pvt. Ltd as their Operations Manager. On 1st January, 2007 I changed to more challenging job with Silver Port Services Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai, involved in implementation of new projects
Incident as it happened
My Case History
International Law of the Sea
Taiwan container ship Maersk Dubai, Stowaway Case in Canada (May, 1996)
High Court & Supreme Court verdicts, appeal and Defence Statement
Taiwan Fishing boat case in Mauritius
Letters to Govt. Officials, newspapers etc
Articles on our case in Indian Express & Times of India
How I passed 6 months in prison
China Post article on corruption in Taiwan Judiciary
My Photo Album
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Old Nabhaite Sonny Brar's homepage
Great Indian web site from Kerala

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