

A Slow update Begins!!

Tried to make the pages load faster too!!

The Lift was installed. The shocks are in. The interior was re-done. The Outside (roughly) sanded and painted. I Herculined the inside to protect it from the elements and from people climbing in and out. The lift I got from Scout Madness. Three inch suspension lift was ordered April 27th. It should be here in about 3 weeks. It is a custom lift kit from Scout Madness. They are a vendor on my list of places to find scout parts. The lift is obtained by new springs and comes with new brushings and the bolts needed. It is a 2 and 1/2 inch lift. Rides a little rough but you could toss a winch on the front and I think you would still be fine.

I replaced the Black Diamond shocks with some Rancho 9000 adjustable ones. They ride ok, but until I do some more body work I wont know for sure how effective they are.

I got a soft top for her and man it looks good. Couldnt have been happier with the purchase. Still need some kind of move towards better highway speeds without losing off-road performance, such as an OD unit.  And still saving up for some extras from D and C Extreme.. such as a safari rack, step sides to protect my gas tanks, and a rear swing out tire carrier.

 My future plans

Before and Afters

The Lift


Herculined Interior

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Places to Find Scout Parts

My Scout's Specs

Model: 1967 Scout 800
Engine: 4 cylinder - 196 ; rebuilt with new camshaft, lifters, rebuilt carb.
Tires: 235/75/15 on white wagon wheels
Transmission: 4 speed with a Granny
Gears: 4.27 front and rear
Color Painted the original color of Aspen Green
Differentials: Front locking warn hubs w/ limited slip rear-end, Dana 27A in the front with a

Dana 44 bringing up the rear

Shocks: Rancho 9000's
Extras: 8-track player


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