The Future of my 800:

      New Items                        Date Accomplished

Windshield wiper assembly  
Gasket replacement around all windows Finished During Spring Break1999. Parts from anything scout. Window by Asheville Glass.
Gasket replacement around all doors Done the same time the windows were, Spring Break 1999. Asheville Glass put the gaskets on as well.
Locks fixed so that they.. well... lock All doors lock with a key. 7/10/99 
Lift of 3-4'' with Diamond brand shocks at all corners 2 1/2" lift and Black Diamond Shocks at all corners. 7/10/99 

Replaced the Diamonds with Rancho 9000's 8/12/2000

Painted original color Sanded Down and painted the original Aspen Green 7/25/99
Cut out any remaining rust (Acutally more than I thought) and replace with sheet metal Planning to do that this summer!!!!! NEW
Fix Eight-track player so it cant eat more tapes My brother took it out and had it repaired in town for my birthday 1999. Don't you just love family!!
Install CD changer  
30 to 31 tires on aluminum wheels  
Change gearing so it is ready for open Road  
Put in an original back seat and redo the whole interior The whole interior has been restored as close to original as is possible. The original seats were a print which isn't available to my knowledge so I had it recreated with seams. 7/23/99

I get a lot of encouragement at this point just looking at Nick Rayer's 1966 scout 800.  This is what I would like mine to look like one day.  Thanks Nick.

Nick Rayer's Scout