cats under the stars

The Central Coast


The beach down the street.

I have made my home in The Monterey Bay area since 1981. My time here has been split between Santa Cruz on the north end of the bay, and the Monterey Peninsula where my family is currently living since 1992. There are many differences between the north and south ends of the bay, but the one thing they have in common is the natural beauty and native wildlife that surround us. There are many links still missing for this page's chain to be satisfactory. In the meantime enjoy what we have found....


Pacific Grove
My Home Town

The Monterey Bay Aquarium
Excellent quality website with a fine representation of the local sea-life.

National Geographic's
Take a long strange trip in a yellow submarine to the octopus's garden in the shade.

The Big Sur Tapes
A commercial website which highlights some of the finest thinkers of our time.

KPIG Radio Online
My choice for local radio, and the first private radio station to go online.

The current weather in my neck 'o the woods.

Recent Earthquakes
If you hear of a big one in my neighborhood, you can find out about all of the details here.


cats under the stars

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