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Our Koi Adventure
(adventure 1)
Wayne & Becky welcome you
to our backyard.
Tell us where you are from in our Guestbook........
Check out links to our other pages also.
We hope you enjoy your visit.
....and now for some pix of our babies
8 " to  28 " )
presented by:  Wayne & Becky
2950gal - including
filter, skimmer and
Advantage 5 bead filter
with an 80 watt  UV

3 1/2 feet at the waterfall
steady slope to about
4 1/2 feet at this end

26 feet long
8 feet wide at widest

skimmer/1/4 hp pump pushing 3000gal/hr thru

Tetra bottom drain to
trap, 1/4 hp Sequence,
bead filter, UV  and then
out to return at the falls
end of pond.
This is how it looked in spring
of 2001.
We had two small ponds,
one on each side of a bridge
off the six level deck.

Our home was on home and garden
tour in June.  So we had to wait till
July to build our new pond.
...tore the yard up and
made a mess!
But it has come a long way...
...look and see...
step by step see Adventure 5
click pix to see
more of our friends
The baby pond
holds 2 inch to 8 inch koi

430 gal
32" wide  x 3 ft deep
20" up - 16" down
so  the depth is 3 feet
  click on pictures to see more
...or just go to our
Changing LINKS
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Browse, Sign & tell us
where you are from
in Our Guestbook.
also vote for us on the
Diamond Web Award 2003
Hope you enjoyed our
adventure...(so far)
Check out more below
more koi & ponds at Adventure 2
our seminar with Dr Eric Johnson
Adventure 4
transforming our backyard at
Adventure 5
                              Adventure 5a
E-mail us , click here
last updated
Feb 12  2006
Our Koi Adventure
link to our  archive