
Thank you for visiting! We are Fallen Angel's Creationz, we paint Avatars both Mega Head and Regular size! We also make custume Gestures. We also have Avatar painting contests. We hold them as a positive way for painters to get to know one another! Please we have only a couple of Rules, Please be kind and fallow them! Thank you and enjoy your stay.( Fallen Angel's Creationz Sponsors "Brave Little Hearts" and it what they stand for on behalf of the American Liver Foundation WE CARE FOR OUR CHILDREN!!!)

1: Please no scrollers or dizzier, it makes the room lag!
2: If you want an av painted or gesture made ask in the room. Please DO NOT IM THE PAINTERS OR LISTKEEPERS!
3: Please be kind to all in the room if you have trouble with a person in the room tell a painter or listkeeper!
4: Please ask to Mega, because some times it gets busy in here and not enough room!
5: Last rule is ENJOY YOUR STAY! If any problems please tell Armageddon or Vixxen!

*Page Owners*
Armageddon,    Vixxen a.k.a. Kat

Armageddon,Vixxen a.k.a. Kat,      Fire,            Sir Firestone,

Venus_Flower,    Chaotic,          Lady In Black,  Tarod


*Gesture Makers*
Armageddon,           Fire,              Chaos


Armageddon,     Rose



Please visit this page! It is for a Progect to help kids with Cancer!