I love gardening. I love flowers. But I'm the type of person who doesn't want to have to replant my whole garden every spring. So I have mostly perennial flowers in my garden. It's so nice to see old friends appear each spring first as leaves and stems, then as buds and finally in summer as beautiful flowers!

If the clumps become too full I can divide them and share them with friends or move them to other parts of my garden. Every year I try to add one new perennial plant to my collection, either starting it from seeds in the late winter indoors or from a plant bought at a garden supply shop or through a catalogue.

If I've whetted your interest in perennial flower gardening, than let me go through the steps needed to end up with a beautiful garden of perennial flowers year after year. The necessary steps include:



Choosing Flowers







First let me define a perennial flower. It is any plant that comes back year after year on its own, either through self reseeding or through root, rhizome or tuber expansion.




Before you can begin to plant flowers you should find out what temperature zone of the U.S. you are in so that you can choose flower varieties that will thrive there. Go to a ZONE MAP to find your zone.
Next you must prepare your soil for the flowers. Most flowers like a neutral soil with a ph between 6.5 and 7.0. Go to this site and then scroll down the left sidebar to SOIL. For more information you can contact the COOPERATIVE EXTENSION in your state.
Your soil should also contain nutrients for your plants to thrive. Find out about COMPOST the natural fertilizer.




Now that your soil is ready and healthy, you need to look at the environment of your garden and design the type of garden you want. Do you need BUTTERFLY ATTRACTING PLANTS, SHADE LOVING PLANTS, plants for CUTTING, LOW MAINTAINANCE PLANTS. Get ideas for flower varieties for each of these garden types.
Once you have decided what type of garden you want you need to choose the appropriate flowers paying attention to color, height, zone tolerance and bloom time as you DESIGN YOUR GARDEN.



First, go to a PLANT ENCYCLOPEDIA to find out what flowers fit your design. Then you can order POTTED plants or buy SEEDS from many gardening catalogues or by visiting a botanic garden shop or commercial garden shop in your area. Be sure to read the plastic tag that comes with the plant to confirm that the care and conditions it requires match what you can give.


Do you need GUIDANCE FOR PLANTING your flowers? That site will offer a step by step guide for you.



A soaker or drip hose system works best with perennial flowers and saves lots of water. You can lay the hoses out in the garden, hook them up to a water source and water the roots deeply for a few hours whenever needed, while you go about other business. For more GARDEN SUPPLIES online.

As I mentioned before, perennials may become crowded after a few years and so will need to be DIVIDED. Some perennials may need WINTER PROTECTION.

Now as to care of your plants, many botanic gardens offer classes in plant care as well as tours of their own perennial gardens. Here are a few in New York City and beyond: NY BOTANICAL GARDENS, BROOKLYN BOTANICAL garden, QUEENS BOTANICAL GARDEN and MORE COLLECTIONS and courses. There are gardening ORGANIZATIONS throughout New York State.



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MAILING LISTS, FORUMS and NEWSGROUP FOR GARDENERS. These may be for all types of gardeners but your questions and comments will be welcome and answered.



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Will you need SEASONAL REMINDERS of what to do each month in your garden?

Finally, be aware that the first summer after planting, most perennials, will flower very little or not at all. That's because they are giving all their attention to setting down permanent, strong roots. So be patient. Next summer and for years to come there will be plenty of beautiful flowers to admire, smell and enjoy.


Any comments or suggestions about this site can be mailed to MARYELLEN.