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The Azteca Early Bird

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About Azteca



Vol. I No. 6
July 1, 1998

The Azteca Toastmasters club meets every Tuesday morning at 6:45 AM in the Adams Humanities Building, on the San Diego State University campus. Please contact any member for a personal escort to the meeting site.

Refreshments are served, and you are most welcome to attend.



Bea Briggs, CTM

Vice President Education

Norm Townsend, ATM

Vice President Membership

Joan Johnson, CTM

Vice President Public


Pat Washington, CTM


Karl Christensen, ATM


Sally Anderson, CTM


Linda Dotson, CTM


A publication of the Azteca Toastmasters Club
Jim Brown, CTM, Editor



  On June 23, elections were held to determine who the new officers will be to serve Azteca Toastmasters. Electioneering speeches were of a superior quality, even for those new officers who were absent. It was a great, enthusiastic meeting with a lot of laughter, fun and merriment (as they all are anyway). Some new officers were elected to first terms, and some were re-elected to serve consecutive term in their old capacities. Congratulations to all the winners! This will be another six months of steady growth and superior leadership. Please give your full support to the new officers, and feel free to serve on their committees. Your help is very much welcome, and you are also cordially invited to attend any or all of the Board meetings, which have been held at the Marie Callender's restaurant near the University.

The new officers are:
Bea Briggs, serving her second term as President; Norm Townsend, serving his umpteenth term as Educational Vice President (what a great one he is), who announced that Linda Dotson will be learning his job to act as his assistant; Joan Johnson, Vice President Membership, second term, who paid a big complement to Gary Baldwin for being there when she needed him, especially on the weekends, when she is often gone on a trip, and who also promised to give members a new tool each month to help and encourage them to bring new members ; Pat Washington, Vice President Public Relations, who thanked members for helping her out with PR duties and the newsletter; Sally Anderson, new incoming Secretary, who always goes beyond what is expected of her, and was given a nice campaign speech by Linda Dotson on her behalf; Karl Christensen, new incoming Treasurer, who promised to end the junkets to Hawaii on the club's funds; Linda Dotson, newly elected Sergeant-at Arms, who promised more great parties, and is always early to meetings on Tuesday morning. Congratulations to all these fine dedicated Toastmasters on their elections. I'm sure that all of us are looking forward to a very interesting an d rewarding next six months!


By Jim Brown
A very good Azteca Toastmasters party was held at Jim and Florence Brown's home in Pine Valley on June 27. Jim's two old cars were in attendance, a '24 Ford model "T" and a topless '55 Ford Thunderbird. Rides were offered in the T'Bird, and takers were Connie Bahner, Betsy Macias and Lili Sorman. Does that car appeal to the ladies, or what? More rides would have been taken, but a rousing game of "Pictionary" was in progress until dinnertime. Mucho good dishes were offered, the BBQ was fired up, used by many and all attendees had a very good time. Party goers were the formerly named, plus Diana Gregg, Joan Johnson & two guests, Kyla McDaniel, Patty & Larry O'Mara, Lili & Ed Sorman, Norm Townsend, who brought his daughter Mary, and Bea & Bill Briggs, who also brought two guests from Phoenix, Ariz. So sorry if you missed it, but try and make the next one. These TM parties are really fun! And thanks so much to the party committee, who included Connie Bahner, Bea Briggs, Patty O'Mara and Florence Brown.


  Personal Profile
By Joan Johnson

Note: If you want to see this profile, get the printed version of this newsletter.


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