click here fo enter Ling Lings Posting Bored
M u s i c
A r t w o r k
If you've arrived successfully at this site.....its likely that you either know me , ( which is fabulous for you , I'm sure )'ve stumbled on it by chance while searching the web for nude pictures of rabbits, or Bert Newton.
From here , you can have a look at my paintings and drawings, you can meet my friends (good luck soldier) , you can learn to cook as badly as me, can  waste hours reading things Ive written  for no specific purpose , OR you can just keep staring at this wonderful and professional looking (if somewhat plagerised) page.
                Isn't it glorious to have choices.
                                                                           Yours sincerely  at first,
                                                                                          Greg Dwyer
R e c i p i e s
W o r d y
P.S,..if youre intending to view the Art pages, you might wanna do some gardening , while it loads.
(this message probably doesnt apply these days.I built this site back in 1998)
P e o p l e
W o o d y
ICQ me on  2  3  2  0  6  8  9  3
this more recent page includes mostly woodwork projects over the years.
oh, and not signing the guestboks can be a choice
for you to reconsider.

t h a n k    y o u   *G*
Spack,also known as Planet
F**khead, was originally just a
site intended for use as practice
for HTML and graphics etc..but
it evolved into what is now a fairly
regular place for me to dump my
un-used inspiration.

its a bit rude but you get that
The OzChat SiteRing

This site owned by

Greg Dwyer
SiteRing by