Boudreaux's wife was furious, He had gone to play golf since early morning, but promised he'd be back for lunch. Well, lunch was ready, but no Boudreaux. Three o'clock, still no Boudreaux. At dusk he came draggin' in.
"Where have you been?' she shouted,"I worked hard putting this nice lunch together and you promised you'd be back by noon. Here it is at dark ad you finaly show up."
"I can explain," Boudreaux said.
"You see, we were on the first hole, me and Thibodeaux and Hebert, Well Hebert had a heart attack and died right there!"
"Oh, how sad." she said. "Please forgive me for being mad. It must have taken you all day....approaching his widow with such bad news, helping with funeral arrangements and stuff."
"Funerazl arrangements Hell,"said Boudreaux, "It was...hit the ball, drag Hebert, hit the ball, drag Hebert...I thought we'd never finish that round!"