Sonny`s Page

Philly/South Jersey Jazz Guitarist

This is close to the model I play,(My Guitar is a blond 1958-ES-175, single pickup.)
Looks pretty close.It`s a wonderful sounding Guitar

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Sonny Troy

I`m a Jazz Guitarist, I was born and live in the Philly/South Jersey area. I play, and have played all over this country, and some foreign countries.I have played various Jazz festivals and am currently appearing with my own trio in the Phila.area.My wife is Kathleen, and we`ve just celebrated our 29th anniversary. We have three children(grown),Dana, Thomas Jr., and Michael. I am currently playing a Gibson Guitar, but have advertised for Epiphone Guitars in the past while playing with a Las Vegas based group called the "Characters". I currently reside in Maple Shade,N.J.,but was born in South Philadelphia,the birthplace of some of the Worlds` greatest Guitarists, past and current.Here are a few from the Philly/South Jersey area:

  • Anthony Baccari..My Uncle and boyhood hero, who influenced me in my playing.
  • Carmen Baccari.. My Uncle and mentor who influenced me to play.
  • Joe Sgro..My beloved teacher and idol. Virtuoso Guitarist.Also the greatest inspiration of my musical life. He formulated (in my opinion) the best teaching method for Guitar ever, using studies for the Violin and Piano and tailoring them to fit the Guitar. Great thinking, along the lines of Albert Einstein. Before Joe, there were no set methods for playing, reading or teaching. The true HERO of the Guitar in my eyes. Joe is also a great Violinist, Mandolinist, theoritician and great Jazz player as well as being a kind gentleman. He has produced more great Guitarists than anyone on the planet. My one and only teacher and mentor.
  • Pat Martino..My all time favorite Jazz Guitarists, he and Jimmy Bruno (in my opinion)are the best in the world. My boyhood friend.
  • Jimmy Bruno..Also my all time favorite Jazz Guitarists, awesome, big time innovative player. His Dad was great too!!
  • Scott McGill..Although playing prog.rock, he belongs on this list of great Jazz players. One of my beloved students, I have very high hopes for him making it big eventually in jazz.
  • Ron Ruggiero..THE BEST GUITAR REPAIRMAN IN THE GUITAR BUSINESS, get in touch with me for his phone number. E-Mail Ron at:ronald.ruggiero4@verizon.net
  • Eddie Lang.. First plectrum(pick)player.Wonderful, Wonderful!! Bing Crosby`s Guitarist.
  • Dennis Sandole..Teacher to many great Guitarists and big time Musicians
  • Billy Bean..Possibly the second best Phila.Guitarist (Guess who`s first.)
  • Steve Giordano..Underheard,probably underpaid. Also my favorite,one of the 3 Giants of Phila.
  • Rudy Troccoli..My good friend, superb Jazz stylist.
  • Ed Flanigan..Good friend,fine all`round Jazz player.The head of Guitar studies at Temple.
  • Tom Giacabetti..Fine Jazz and show player.
  • Ed Goehringer..Great Jazz stylist along the lines of Gabor Szabo.
  • Bill Shilling..Great Jazz concept also spectacular jazz pianist.
  • Carmen Gasparro..My great friend, truly one of the "MASTERS" around Philly. All Guitar players can take a lesson from Carmen. Don`t see him much anymore, our loss. My playing reflects Carmens`.
  • Frank Di Busolo..Great!Great!Great!Holds a Doctorate of Music
  • Joe Lanno..Wonderfully warm unique, tasteful Jazz interpreter. This is a spectacular Guitar player. Currently in Las Vegas
  • Bob DiNardo..Great teacher and player, followed me as Guitarist on "The Mike Douglas Show"
  • Pat Mercuri..Best all`round reader.Classical,Mandolin etc., he can do it all.Fine gentleman.
  • Lou Mercuri..Pat`s Dad, wonderful musician in his own right,taught his son Guitar.Fine man also.
  • George Mesterhazy..Awesome Pianist and Guitarist, equally great at both, belongs on this wonderful list.
  • Bobby Rose..Backup and rhythm Guitarist on many of Pat Martino`s albums.Good Jazz concept.
  • Chuck Anderson.. One of the greats, wonderful player, great teacher. Chuck has the respect of many top players in jazz, he`s had my respect and admiration for years and wish I`d seen more of him through the years. Check out his web site.
  • Ron Nocella.. Another great South Philadelphia unsung Jazz Guitarist, his brother is also a great arranger and musician. Wish we heard more from Ron and his music.
  • Pete Smyser..Please try to hear this wonderful jazz artist. I appreciate his warm style, and sensitive ballads.
  • Orlando Haddad..Beautifully sensitive Brazilian style jazz guitarist, one half of the wonderful"Minas" Brazilian jazz and vocal group along with Patricia King, accomplished jazz singer and superb pianist, both of which belong on this long list of Philly area favorite players. Please get to see and hear this amazing group, they became one of my favorites after hearing them just once. Check out their link on this page.
  • Patricia King..Although not a guitarist, she certainly belongs on this list of great Philly area jazz contributers. There are other Pianists on this list and I feel she belongs on it. One half of the famous "Minas" Brazilian style group, they are closely associated with the jazz world.
  • Johnnie Valentino ..Wonderful ex-Philadelphian, former Pat Martino student. Great and unique Guitarist and writer now living on the west coast(our loss)

    ...Some Thoughts...

    Most of the above players are as fine as the rest, all top notch players in their own right.(Pat Martino and Jimmy Bruno`s recording`s speak for their wonderful playing).Guitar players in general seem to be friendly toward one another, and seem to share a brotherhood with other Guitar players and usually become good friends. I think the Guitar leads to this.Guitar players like to exchange ideas and thoughts about the instrument, as it has been highly un-cultivated through the years, and only in the last 40 or 50 years have teachers finally gotten a grasp on how to teach it.
    I will be adding more to this list and page, so please stay tuned.

    International Recipe of the week, published bi-monthly at bottom of page.
    Currently Appearing- Italian Wedding Soup {ITALIAN}

    I`m currently appearing at Tavistock Country Club, Warwick road, Haddonfield, N.J. Sun. afternoons,
    11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

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  • Other Hot Links

    Sonny Troy`s Other Page-{MY ALTER EGO}*****
    The "Gagliarchives"-{MY SON}****
    Philly Jazz-{GREAT PHILLY PLAYERS}****
    Jazz Guitar Online-{GUITAR"STUFF"}****
    The Cherry Hill,N.J.Library-{MY FAVORITE HANGOUT}*****
    The Sherlockian Connection Page-{JEREMY BRETT 221b BAKER STREET.}*****
    Barbonestreet Band -{MY FAVORITE ALL`ROUND BAND}*****
    Cyboard Muslinks Jazz Musicians Pages-{JACK JESIOLOWSKI-Proprietor}*****
    Burlington County Musical Society-{LOCAL 336 MUSICIANS UNION}****
    Guitar Solo- {WONDERFUL FREE GUITAR SITE}*****
    Guitars etc.-{CURT SHELLER MUSIC SITE}*****
    Acoustic Image Amplifiers-{THE VERY BEST IN AMPLIFIED SOUND}*****

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    International Recipe of the Week

       Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
     --------  ------------  --------------------------------
          1/2   lb           Ground beef
          1/2   lb           Ground veal
          1/4   c            Italian seasoned bread crumb
        1                    Egg
        1       tb           Parsley
                             Salt and pepper to taste
        4       c            Chicken broth
        2       c            Spinach leaves cut into piec
          1/4   c            Grated Pecorino Romano chees
       Combine the ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, parsley,
       salt and pepper in a bowl.   Mix well and form into
       tiny meat balls. Bake on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes
       at 350F. Meanwhile, bring broth to a boil and add
       spinach. Cover and boil for 5 minutes.  Add the
       meatballs to the hot broth, bring to a simmer.  Stir
       in the cheese and serve immediately.
     (If you enjoy these recipes, please 
     let me know via e-mail or my guestbook)   
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