va'de me'cum, {L., go with me.] a book or other thing that a person carries with him as a constant companion; specifically, a manual; a handbook.
--Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary
This page is intended as a reference resource for beginners--those who would like to start a family tree but don't know how to get started, AND for those who are already active in genealogy. It's also a good page to bookmark if you have no interest in genealogy but would like a one-stop page to use some of the tools: locators for people, places and things; links to military sites (especially Civil War buffs), historical documents, maps, etc.
I've included links to the best sites I have found on the Net but there are also some to the strange and unique. It is constantly under revision and I will be adding other categories to reflect my own eclectic interests. Stop back often to see what's new. If you find a link that is not working, or if you have some you'd like to contribute, please let me know. Comments and suggestions for improving this page are also welcome!
Getting Started on that Family Tree
The USGenWeb Project
Back to Victoria's Vieux Carré
visitor to this page since December 11, 1996. Last revised 24 April 1999.
A good place to get started "surfing" for genealogy.
From the makers of the popular genealogy software, the site contains much useful information and even has census forms you can print out for each U.S. Census year.
Good advice!
Research Aids for the Family Historian
With graphic illustrations of old handwriting samples -- from a formal course.
Resources and information for those who are adopted.
part of the NCGenWeb State Project, and a county for which I am coordinator. Robeson County was the ultimate destination of many Scots immigrants in the 18th century, and it was also a temporary home for many early settlers who emigrated from Virginia into the Carolinas and further south. All 100 North Carolina counties can be accessed through the NCGenWeb state page, maintained by Diane Miller.
In addition to managing the state pages and the archives, I also host pages for
Marion and
Marlboro Counties.
Connections to all U.S. States and their county pages
A constantly growing resource for genealogical documents - census, Wills, marriage records, tombstone transcriptions, military records, deeds and land grants - all contributed by volunteers like you!
A volunteer effort to survey and transcribe all U.S. cemeteries and provide that data online.
The ULTIMATE connection to all telephone directories available on the Web. Find people, businesses, email addresses, FAX numbers, and more, depending on the county and Telephone Directory chosen.
located in Alexandria, VA; one of the best around.
Can't find that genealogy book you've been looking for? You can probably borrow it through the AGLL. They also loan census microfilms.
Want to know about a city? Street level maps, tour guides, and even the weather for most world cities.
John Robertson's comprehensive state by state listing of maps available online
The Rand-McNally 1895 Atlas of the United States, complete with maps (large images!) and a placename index.
U.VA. Geographic Information Center - includes CIA Country maps, Canadian Atlas
If it's a map, they've probably got it for sale. Includes antique maps.
Regimental histories and information on re-enactment units.
Index of Civil War information available.
In its first phase, the National Park Service has placed more than 230,000 names of black soldiers who fought in the Civil War on this site along with photographs, letters and other personal memorabilia. It is under construction and will ultimately include the names of both black and white Union and Confederate soldiers. The black soldiers who fought on the Union side go on the list first, then the white Confederate soldiers and finally the whites who fought on the Union side.
online magazine - Site search engine; index of articles which can be retrieved online.
National Archives Exhibit, downloadable images
Library Of Congress - includes Civil War Time Line with photographs, organized by year.
from the National Park Service.
a Civil War WEB site, centered on Oklahoma but with lots to explore
World War II National Archives Exhibit (images and text).
Online Edition of the magazine
searchable databases
Primary source material from 18th century America digitally displayed.
Chart of colonies, founder, purpose, additional notes.
UK and Ireland Genealogy, organized by country then by county. Extracts and downloadable data.