Sean's Bathtub Full of Links

Welcome to Sean's Bathtub Full of Links where I hold all of the links in my bathtub!!! Ha...that was funny. In reality, it's where you can find out even more information about Wicca and Witchcraft through other sites. If you have any information that pertains to my Bathtub, please e-mail it to Sean. Thank you very much.

Our (Nightworlders and Friends) links to our sites:
The Secret Circle Special: Spells, Herbs, Myths, and More This page is full of information that talks about moon magic, herbalism, crystals, and more.

The Harman Store This page is REALLY good with their html and it's where Blaise, Thea, Grandma Harman, and others can and will guide you through the world of Wicca.

Here are some other good links to follow:
We have checked all these links, but if any stop working, please let us know. Also, email us if you have any to add. Thanks.

The Neopagan Religious Archive
Pagan Resources - FAQs and Indices
Magickal Names
A Mystickal Grove
The Broom Closet
Pagan Best of the Web
What is Witchcraft/Wicca?
Wicca Links

Celtic Herbe
A Witch's Cauldron - Main Index
Path of the Crescent Moon
Pagan Federation
Witches' Voice
Mary's Garden

I. Catalogue Links
1.) Crystal Rose's Pagan Specialty Shop
2.) Grandmother Spider's SpiritWeb
3.) Lady Alayne's Wiccan Online Catalogue Links
4.) The Magical Blend
5.) Moonscents
6.) Mythic Visions
7.) New Moon Occult Shop
8.) Abaxion
Abyss Distribution
48 Chester Road
Chester, MA
Eye of the Day
PO Box 21261
Boulder, CO 80308-4261
Gypsy Rose
PO Box 624
Dept. AIKO
Richboro, PA 18954
The Pyramid Collection
(they have *beautiful*
New Worlds of Mind & Spirit
Llewellyn Publications
PO Box 64383
St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

II. Celtic Pages
1.) Celtic Heritage Magazine
2.) The Celtic Lady
3.) Valley of the Ancients

III. Crystal Pages
1.) Crystal Chart

IV. Divination Pages
A.) Crystal Skull Pages
1.) The Society of Crystal Skulls, International
2.) Catagorizing Crystal Skulls
3.) The Crystal Skulls
4.) Crystal Skulls: Skeletons of a Mysterious Past

B.) Info on Divination
1.) Divination 1
2.) The Oracle of Chaos

C.) Rune Pages
1.) More Games

D.) Scrying Pages
1.) Learning how to Scry
2.) Ravenwood Witches Scrying
3.) Scrying with Contemporary Crystal Skulls

E.) Tarot Pages
1.) American Gothic Tarot
2.) Cards from The Experimental Tarot
3.) Mary Greer's Tarot Links and Resources
4.) Salem Tarot Journal
6.) Tarot Basics
7.) Tarot Fortune Telling Game
8.) The World of Tarot

V. Goddess Pages
1.) Goddesses of the World
2.) Mythology Gallery Directory
3.) Names of the Goddess

VI. Herb Pages
1.) Algy's Herb Page
2.) Herbs
3.) Herbs and their Magickal Uses
4.) Herb Net

VII. Link Pages
1.) Arachne's Web: Pagan/Wiccan Links
2.) Rain Puddles
3.) Wicca Resources

VIII. Magik Pages
1.) Cyberdweeb's Page of Magik
2.) Falca's Aerie
3.) The Metaphysical Barbarian

IX. Pagan Pages
1.) Pagan FAQ
2.) Pagan and Neopagan Resources

X. Salem Witchcraft Trial Pages
1.)  The Salem Witches
2.)  Geneology Page (Interesting folk lore and misc cool stuff here)
3.)  Giles Corey of Salem, Massachusetts
4.) January 15, 1697
5.)  Rave: Bad Mojo
6.)  Rebecca Nurse
7.)  Welcome to Salem, Massachusetts
8.)  Salem, Massachusetts Witch Trials
9.)  Salem Tarot Journal
10.) Salem Witch Museum
11.) Salem Witch Museum Education
12.) The Witches of Salem
13.) The Witching Hours

XI. Spell and BOS Pages
A.) BOS Pages
1.) BOS Links
2.) The Culminus Rite
3.) The Wiccan & Faerie Grimoire of Francesca De Grandis
4.) MoonScents Book of Shadows
5.) New Moon Book Of Shadows
6.) New Moon Spells
7.) Riders of the Crystal Wind
8.) Wiccan Netbook of Shadows

B.) Love Spell Pages
1.) Love Potions and Aphrodisiacs
2.) Love Spells and Amulets

C.) Misc Spells
1.) The Magick of Candles and Colors
2.) Misc Egyptian Spells
3.) Reann List
4.) Spell Index
5.) Witch Spell Chart

XII. Voodoo Pages
1.) New Orleans Cemetery & Voodoo pages
2.) Marie LaVeau Ritual
3.) Marie LaVeau Voodoo Spells

XIII. Wiccan Pages
A.) Coven Pages
1.) The Green Pages
2.) RavenWood Witches Coven
3.) The Witches of Coventry Greens

B.) Introduction Pages
1.) The Basics of Witchcraft
2.) An Introduction to Magick and Paganism

C.) Misc Wiccan Pages
1.)  Aura Colors
2.)  Catala's Wicca Page
3.)  Cats, Herbs, Candles, Light & Laughter: A Wiccan Homepage
4.)  The Circle
5.)  Soulmate FAQ
6.)  Sun Dragon Wicca Page
7.)  Universe of Magick
8.)  The Wiccan Rede (one version)
9.)  Witches' Web
10.) Witches' Web Site Map

D.) Solitary Pages
1.) The Witches Lair
2.) Mama Rose's Kitchen
3.) WestWick Hollow
4.) Wisteria's Realm
5.) Witches' Brew: For all Mother's Children

E.) Teen Witch Pages
1.) Mom, I'm a Witch

F.) Wicca Educational Pages
1.) Burning Times On-Line
2.) Joan's Witch Directory
3.) Witchy Woman's Network
4.) Let the Truth be Heard
5.) What is Paganism?
6.) The Wiccan Educational Resource Network
7.) Witches' League for Public Awareness
8.) Wiccan Wisdom
9.) Witch Hunt

This is part of The Night World
If you have any questions, comments, great spells and/or information that you would love to share with us to be placed on this page, please email The Secret Circle

Website Design © 1998-2000 L. J. PerryBooks and Characters © 1992+ L. J. Smith