Magic 101

So, somewhere in here is the most important magical knowledge I have as yet received, and like all great things, it comes down to something incredibly simple. The key to getting what you want, is to take where you want to go, take where you are now, and draw a straight line between the two. (Or in many cases just fold the paper so that the two points collide, since it's hard to draw a line through some of the messy bits of reality). The key to making sure you follow along the path you have created, is to think about it constantly, or as constant as you can manage. Think about the outcomes, the various paths that can get you there, and the multitude of paths leading off from it. If you want to be rich, see yourself spending the money, what you would buy, what the objects would mean to you, where you would put them. See yourself fulfilling your job in such a way that you are promoted to the head of the company, etc. It is truly as simple as that to start the gears of reality grinding towards your outcome. Remember that there is not simply one part, or two, but an infinite multitude of pieces within you, and when one grouping gets old and worn, you have simply to rearrange the pieces. I'm not necessarily suggesting you throw away everything you've created in your life, but simply view it in a different light. Make major points into minor ones, and bring overshadowed bits into the light of day.