Bouillon's Favorite Activities
Sniffin anything that might even remotely have an odor
Botherin CHAR the cat, especially when he is tryin to catch a nap
Goin ANYWHERE in Doug's Boat, or Truck
Devouring rawhide, and or real bones
Strategically placing Brontausaurus bones so Doug stubs his toe on them in the dark
Barking, really loud, at anything that goes bump in the night
Getting as wet and filthy as caninely possible
Begging for tasty PIG EARS, Jerky Treats, and whatever Doug might be eating
Eating firewood bark, and then throwing it up on the carpet
Lapping water from the bathtub faucet, while waggin his tail through the gas heater
Puttin his COLD nose in Doug's ear, to wake him up, when he is sleepin
Shredding, Tearing, and destuffing his favorite toys