Pictures of our precious little man, Brayden Shane
June 9, 2005: New grandbaby on the way, expected January 15, 2006 :-) Update: 08/12/05: It's a boy! New pic of his face, 10/17/05, and this one with his fist in his mouth.
Brayden Shane was born at 12:24 p.m. on January 5, 2006, weighing in at 7# 6 oz, and being 19-1/2 inches long. Aunt Daryth joined me in the delivery room to witness his glorious birth :-) When I saw the cord wrapped around his little neck twice, I knew my daughter had made a wise decision to just go ahead and have a repeat C/S instead of trying to have a VBAC. That little guy was quite the acrobat inside of her and made a big mess of his cord. Thank God he is okay. The minute I saw all of him, I shouted with joy. He looks just like his mama in ways, his uncle Jeremy in ways, and his cousin, Collin, in ways but more his mama--just look at HER newborn pic when she was eight hours old. It's uncanny! He is such a joy to be around. I love this little guy with all my heart!!!!
Here are a few pics of "Mawmaw's newest lil angel." These were taken the day he was born through January 7, 2006. I walked him from the DR to the nursery and was allowed to stay in there for a time. It was such a great experience :-)
Hospital Picture - 01/07/06
The following pics were taken from January 8 on.
Isn't this background adorable!
I made it for cousin Collin and now share with Brayden :-) Please do not take it.