The Esbbats (Full Moon Ritual)

Full Moon

Esbbats are working celebrations. These are times specifically set aside to do magikal workings for yourself or others in need, for new endeavors, for banishing unwanted influences, protection magic, divination, planning, releasing, and working backwards in time. Raise energy, cast spells, perform healings. Honor a deity if things are going smoothly.  Honor the Goddess, the Lady. Draw down the moon to engerize yourself.

This is a time to merge with the Mother Goddess at the peak of her power. Connect to the ancient rites, under the full moon which represent the mid-point of a woman's monthly cycle.

Celebrate at night, three days before, the night of, or up to three days after the actual moment of the full moon.

Some traditional Monthly Moons:

Wolf Moon - January

Storm Moon - February

Chaste Moon - March

Seed Moon - April

Hare Moon - May

Dyad (pair) Moon - June

Mead Moon - July

Wyrt (green plant) Moon - August

Barley Moon - September

Blood Moon - October

Snow Moon - November

Oak Moon - December

And the thirteenth moon is the Blue Moon.  A Blue Moon occurs when the moon with its 28 day cycle appears twice within the same calendar month, due to that month's 31-day duration.  In addition, the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon that falls nearest to Mabon.  You can use it for extra added protection and calling in favors. A Blue Moon is a goal moon.  It is where you set specific goals - write them down!

The Celtic Tree Moons:

Today the the counting of Celtic tree calendar begins with the Full Moon nearest Yule and is based on a Lunar Calendar so there are thirteen also. Why the Druids placed the beginning at Yule is a mystery we may never uncover. Align yourself with the enery of the names and nicknames given to each.

Birch Moon - Inception, Beginning (feminine)

Rowan Moon - Vision, Spirit, Astral Travel (masculine)

Ash Moon - Waters (feminine)

Alder Moon - Utility, Efficacy, Self-Guidance (masculine)

Willow Moon - The Wiccan's Moon, Balance (feminine)

Hawthorn Moon - Restraint, Hindrance, Summer Moon (masculine)

Oak Moon - Strength, Security, Bear (masculine)

Holly Moon - Encirclement, Polarity (feminine)

Hazel Moon - Moon of the Wise, Crone Moon (feminine)

Vine Moon - Celebration (androgynous)

Ivy Moon - Buoyancy, Resilience (masculine)

Reed Moon - Home, Hearth, Winter Moon, Mood Which Manifests Truth (feminine)

Elder Moon - Completeness (masculine)

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