Pharaohs on the Web


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Discover Ancient Egypt


Welcome to the World of the Pharaohs. Here, you will discover their language, beliefs, tradition and much more. Click on one of the following topic to read and see about them. You will be amazed by the beauty of the Mask of King Tutankhamon.

Note: Some topics may be repeated in several section. Note that when you've read a topic, the color of the link changes.

If you don't like the "Select a topic" style, go to our Discovery Document (Available Soon). It is a compact version of all the preceding links, but in one image-text document. It is very interesting if you're doing a research too!

Note: Please consider that this page is still under construction. Press the RELOAD button on your browser to see more topics.

Table of Contents:


After you've read and seen so much about the pharaohs, if you want to know more, and see more, check out our huge library of Pharaonic Links, and images.

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Last revised: 29 January 1997