The Land of Cajuns

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Welcome to my Louisiana based home pages. I live in a small community about seventy-five miles southwest of New Orleans. I was born, raised and still live in the same community my grand parents, parents and just about every person I am related to live in. My paternal grand parents died before I was born, my maternal grand father did also. But I was blessed with knowing my grand mother. My MoMo as we called her. She was one of the last true cajuns in my family. Speaking the language you call cajun in a broken English
only a true decedent could understand.

My mothers family was raised on one of the many Plantations in Louisiana. My maternal grandfather was a trapper, my grandmother sewed for the landowners. Their children worked in the fields. When money was saved for them to buy their own land, the children, as well as my grandmother, worked in what was then called
The Shrimp Shed.

My father was raised on a Cane Field Plantation. He too was from a large family. One of fourteen children, all the boys were used in the fields. It was the only way of survival for many of the smaller farms here. If it were not cane you were farming, it was fields of corn and cattle. My fathers father did all three.

We, Terrebonne Parish. were one of the blooming cane parishes of their time. The Oil Field replaced that growth in the 70's and 80's......With the fall of oil prices, people stood by and waited patiently for it to come back. Those who stayed are glad they did. Our parish is coming back to what it was, way back when...........

I love to cook. And around my home and with family and friends I'm considered a very good one.
Don't believe me? Try some of the recipes for your self.....You'll be in for a surprise.....

From My Table to Yours

My Favorite Recipes!!

Something else of interest. The spices that spice up our foods.....

Bayou Spices and the Foods we Call Cajun

Original Cajun Cooking
Check out some Old Original Cajun Cooking

I get so excited when I've tried something new and it works!!!
It's my first Lake Applet......Please, check it out!!

Welcome to a Louisiana Bayou

Before I go too far with this I'd like to say that the background for my page and the one above are mine.
It came from an old school book I found at a yard sale.
I scanned it and did some renovations on it using Paint Shop Pro.
So if you like it and want to use it, please before doing so let me know.
Or at least when using it put a link on your page back to mine....Thanks....

My Awards for the first year of web playing. I hope to put up more soon.

And now for the rest of my story...*s*

I've added a few personal things about me if you'd like to get to know me....
No, not that personal....*smile*
One thing I can tell you up front is that before I came to Geocities
I spent all my time on the chats....heck, I thought that's all there was to a computer.....*smile*
I chatted in a place called Alamak, The Woods of Alamak Chat
While there made some great friends....I'll always remember that time
The time I call Through the Miles of Cyber Space

I also love music midi's......

Midi Collection

Or maybe you're in here looking for some...

Cajun Midi's

Maybe some great Traditional Cajun, and Zydeco
Accordion Man

Or Maybe some JAZZ

Then again maybe you'd like to hear The Beatles

Now how about a little love to spice up your life...

Coming to Louisiana?? How about a swamp tour.
Check out this site.
de la Houssaye's Swamp Tours: The Louisiana Experience

My Favorite Sites!!

Charter Cable
Houma Courier
Free Games Online
Caribbean & Gulf Satellite Image
Louisiana Lottery Results
Animal Doctor
Louisiana Fishing
Louisiana Foods
Ask Jeeves
Weather Channel Houma,La
Houma Cajun Magazine
Louisiana Radar

The Cajun Express Houma Courier The MousePad
Louisiana Link Dynamic Drive The Page Tutor
The Midi Farm Louisiana Cajun Found Money
Love Cards A Card4You Search Engines

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Member Since 06/07/97

? 1997 -

The Cajun Ring

This Cajun Ring site
is owned by Clara .
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