From The Land of Cajuns

Baked Opossum

In giving this recipe I cannot resist paying tribute to the fine cookery of old Aunt Mymie,
who for many years preseded over the kitchen of the late Doc.
When company came to dine she always 'put de little pot in de big pot.'
Her favorite dish, which she said she cooked 'jes fur myself,'
was baked 'possum with sweet taters.'
Sometimes a leg would be mysteriously missing from the nicely
browned animal and Aunt Mymie would mutter, 'Mighty funny things happen in dis house.'
My white folks say dey wouldn't tech possum meat, but I'd like to know
jus' where dat hine leg went to!'"

Skin, clean and wash in cold water.
Make a good, highly seasoned dressing with eggs.
Stuff the opossum and sew up the opening.
Dredge with flour, place in roasting pan, and cook till done, basting often.
Peel yam sweet potatoes and place around the pan to make a flour gravy.
Serve hot with turnip greens and baked corn pone.

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