The beginning of the church at Long Cane was in a fort where the settlers would go for safety. After the Cherokee and the Creek massacres people built Fort Boone which served as a haven of safety as well as a "school house" and also served as a "meeting house" where the settlers assembled for worship. In an Act, dated February 7, 1780, the church at Fort Boone was incorporated as the "Presbyterian Church called Fort Boone congregation at Long Cane settlement." Prior to this Long Cane Associate Reformed Presbyterian church was organized in 1771 as Associate Presbyterian church. A number of the congregation were from Ireland who along with about one hundred families left Newry, Ireland for America. They arrived in New York on the 28th of July on the ship John. This large body of passsengers were all part of the Rev. Clarke’s congregation from Ireland. Part of this group went to Salem, New York and the other part migrated to Long Canes section and formed the congregations of Little Run, Long Cane and Cedar Creek (later Cedar Spring) churches. Dr. Clark visited his congreation in 1771 as a result of this visit the church was organized. He also visited the church in 1779, as an order of Presbytery and again he visited in 1782. Dr. Clark spent the remainder of 1782 and the greater part of 1783 at Long Cane, Little Run (Little River) and Cedar Spring (organized in 1782. In the summer of 1783 he was called North and identified himself with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (organized in 1782); and during this time he labored as a missionary among the churches of this branch in the North.

Sometime between 1772 and 1775 Rev. William Martin came to America in 1772 from Ballymena, Ireland and who was pastor at Catholic church, Chester county, preached at Long Cane. Another supply minister Rev. William Ronaldson also preached at the church as well as at Joppa, Jefferson county, Georgia, and at Poplar Springs, Georgia. Dr. Clark preached his last sermon at Long Cane Meeting House, December 25, 1791, he died soon afterwards. A larger church replaced the same site of the original log church on land that was given by James Hutcherson survey. Following Dr. Clark’s death Long Cane had supplies for four years. The first year, the Rev. Peter McMillan (frequently written as McMullan) pastor of Due West, supplied when he was able.

In 1770, Rev. Alexander Porter, the first native-born minister of the Presbytery of the Carolinas and Georgia was born. He was born and grew up near Parsons’ Mount (named by the owner of this mount and surrounding land, James Parsons, a lawyer, of Charleston), Abbeville County. After completing his education and theological training at Dickinson College, Pennsylvania and having been licensed to preach by the Second Associate Reformed Presbytery of Pennsylvania, he returned home and began to preach at Long Cane and Cedar Spring, January 1, 1797. On March 22, 1797, a call was moderated for him, and signed by the following members:

William Hill
Adam Hill
Simon Beard
Hugh Beard
Robert Smith
Pat Quin
John Campbell
Nat Weed
Reuben Weed
William Dale, Jr.
James Nelson
William McDonald, Jr.
Peter Totten
William Deal, Sr.
Andrew White, Jr.
Matthew Shanks
Adam Beard
Samuel Patterson
John Wilson
John Beard
John Kown
David Wiley
Thomas Wiley
John Learry
Robert Pressly
Samuel Spence
Thomas Jordan
Agnus Massey
Henery (Henry) Weems
Thomas McBride
George Hearst
James McBride
Hugh McBride
Thomas McMillan
Gilbert Wilson
William Stewart
John Foster
Joseph Jones
John Young
James Foster, Jr.
David Kenedy
Nathaniel Weed, Sr.
Samuel McClinton
George Con
John Hearst
John Devlin
Thomas Mealey
David Cochran
Archibald Thompson
Jane Vickery
Bart. Waems, Sr.
James Foster, Sr.
Mary Black
Robert Crawford
Andrew Paul
John Lesley
Samuel Young
Robert Margey
William Black
Andrew Jones
John Morrow, Sr.
James McBride
Jane Patten
John White
William Cochran
George Macbeath
Robert McMical
Samuel Leard
James Foster
John Waddle
Andrew English, Jr.
Samuel Foster, Sr.
James Cochran
Archibald Thompson, Jr.
Samuel McClinton, Sr.
Samuel McClinton, Jr.
Robert Bradford
Mary Ann Nannaway
John McCullough
Rosanah McKinney
Marget Riley
Jane Hannah
Edward Wailes
Mary Boggs
Griel Findley
James Smith
John Kown
William Fife
James Gray, Jr.
James Patterson
Charles Beaty
John Beaty, Jr.
Andrew Cochran
James Thompson
John McClinton
Archibald Morrison
Hugh McCullough
Alexander Patterson
William McBride
John Robertson
John McBride
Thomas McBride
James McCormick
John Gilmer
John Deal
William Etward
Samuel Leard
Abraham Little
Thomas Hearst
Timothy Russell
John Miller
John Cooey (Coudy)
James Conn
Agnes Irwin
Elizabeth Boggs
Elias Gibson
John Pressly
John McGaw
James Bonner
John Leard
John Thompson
Andrew McCormick
Robert Taylor
Michel McClimmins
Mary Glasgow
Andrew Ewart
John Campbell
Pat Bradley
James McMillan
George McFarlin
Ann Lessly
John Patterson
Pat Gibson, Jr.
James Shanks
William Buck
John Beaty, Sr.
Francis Hunter
James Gray, Sr.
Margaret Meaben
James Hawthorne
Martha Downey
Elizabeth Chalmers
Andrew Paul
Samuel Foster, Jr.
Samuel McClinton
James McClinton
Robert Gibson
John Gibson
Joseph Couey
Hugh McCormick
Gennit Quin
Alexander Spence
Arthur McCrery
Alexander Clark
John Tygart
Robort Hearst
John Diffur
John Douglas
James Foster, Jr.
John Gaston
William Nelson
James Young
Robert Kewn
Robert Foster
James Lesley
Agnes Rogers
Collen Forbis
James Forbis
Frederick Hart
Malcolm Kays
Robert Corley
William Foster
Enos Crawford, Jr.
William Norris
William Clark
William White
Robert Cravin
Rowand Kewn
Anthony Tittle
John McBride
William McDonald
William Henderson
William Robinson
Jane Patten
Arthur Morrow, Sr.
Arthur Morrow, Jr.
James Morrow
John Morrow, Jr.
John Black
Joseph Hearst
John Anderson
David Anderson
Alexander Gaston
John Kewn
John Beard
John Wilson
James McBride
John Morrow
Thomas Lindsey
Joseph (James) Lindsey
Robert McDonald
John Pinkerton
Simon Beard
Samuel Stewart
James Anderson
Samuel Pressly

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