
Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus as well. This tissue acts like normal endometrial tissue and bleeds each month, only this causes internal bleeding, adhesions, cysts, and often severe pain. No one is 100% sure what causes endo; it is thought that blood flowing back through the Fallopian tubes (retrograde menstruation) is a cause, but studies have shown that most women have some degree of retrograde menstruation, but only some of them have the condition where the tissue implants itself on other organs in the body, such as the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterosacral ligaments, bowel, bladder, and many other places. Surgery to remove the visible endometriosis and destroy adhesions and remove cysts can be done, and are often required, such as in my case.

This is my story of my battle with endometriosis. I am not sure how long I have has this condition.I have suffered with dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) since I was 12 or 13. No one seemed to think anything about it, they just gave me Tylenol and Anaprox and told me it would probably go away when I had a child. Well, I have a busy and active career that I love, and I had no intention of rushing out to get pregnant. My dr. "managed" my pain with birth control pills, which does tend to lighten cramps, I have been on them since I was 15, but no one mentioned the possibility of endometriosis to me.

In October of 1995, I went to my dr for a routine checkup, no other problems than the horrible cramps each month. During the exam, the dr was palpating my uterosacral ligaments and suddenly I felt an excruciating pain! I jumped up and sat up in shock. My dr said that definitely was not normal and he wanted to recheck it a month later. Well, a month later it was still just as painful.

I was scheduled for an exploratory laparoscopy in Feb. of 1996. The drs removed several spots of endo and wound up having to remove both of my uterosacral ligaments and suspending my uterus to the pelvis fascia. As painful as the surgery and post-op period was, the Lupron that I had to take for several months afterwards was even worse-I turned into some sort of hormonal monster! My dr had to pull me off of it after 3 months, instead of going the usual 6 months.

After the Lupron I had to stay on birth control pills for now until I decide I want to have children. The pills induce a state of false pregnancy which helps to keep the endo levels suppressed to some degree. Since then I have had several very painful periods of ovarian cysts which I managed with Tylenol and occasionally Vicodin to make it bearable.

For the past few months I have been almost pain-free, I still get sharp pains over my right ovary, where I am sure there is another cyst forming-I am preparing for the possibility of another pelvic ultrasound (ouch!!).

I am writing my story here in the hopes that some of you women and the wonderful men who support and encourage them will realize that you are not alone. Please feel free to email if you would like. I would also encourage you to join the endometriosis email list, I get all sorts of support and information and encouragement from these wonderful people! I am one of the "lucky" ones, my childbearing status is unknown, but there are many women out there who can't even hold a job due to the excruciating pain. My heart and prayers go out to them and their families.

Just one more note-I have an alarming number of people who believe that having a hysterectomy or an oophorectomy and a hysterectomy will eliminate the disease. While there is NO cure for endo, these methods will hopefully reduce some of the pain.

Amanda's Spot on the Web

Immune Response to Endometriosis

Endometriosis Care Center Homepage

Women's Health


Women's Health Hot Line Homepage

Endometriosis Association

Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre Endometriosis Homepage

Endometriosis Facts

Women's Health Issues

Women's Health Hot Line Home Page

Endometriosis-A Painful and Baffling Disease

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